Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

May 2019

These are out of order but I'm too lazy to fix it! 

My favorite program in all of the school is the civil war reenactment. It's so fun! They fill up water ballons and get to throw them at each other. Blake was the south this time and the drummer boy. 

Mr. Renolds Blakes teacher. He was Ty's teacher as well and we just love him. 
My kids are growing up WAY too fast and I don't like it at all. 

 My Grandma turned 90 in June but we had a adult party in May. All of my cousins were there but 1! That made her so happy. I had everyone take a quick photo.

 We played a game to see who knew more about Grandma.

 Grandma trying to save her ears from the Jenkins rendition of Happy birthday. Lets just say it's extremely off key.
 Jenkins granddaughter. I just love these girls.

 Memorial day! Man I miss these people.

 I asked Stockton what would Grandpa do if he were here and he bonked his head. He wasn't wrong.
 Palmer boys.
 We had a cook out for memorial day.
 East and his best buddy Spencer.

 Mothers day! All I wanted was photos of me with my kids. I don't have many pictures of me with them. It's all I wanted. Not sure where my photo with Stockton went!

 Stockton had a cute school program that my Grandma to with me. They even had him recite a poem about bugs boy do they know him. My favorite part was when he started dancing during one of the songs. He was about the only kids getting into it. Such a Stockton thing to do it was so cute. 

Wellsville Mile! Blake did AMAZING. He got 15th place over all out of hundreds of other 5th grade boys. 

 Notice Grandpa cheering him on from the side. Uncle Ron, Aunt Jenny and Laycee Sadie came to cheer him on as well.

 Spencer is a good sport! Easton tells him what to do and sits and plays with him. Doesn't he look thrilled?

 Giving Sheepy a ride.
Brett had a splash pad party at the end of school. This is his best friend Owen. 
 I've wanted more flower beds for years and Bryan wanted a flag pole. So we put in a flower bed with a flag pole in the middle. Everyone put their hand print in it.
 Stock and Brett had their face painted at super kids day at school.

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