Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Disneyland! Travel Day- Newport and beach

Last October my mother in law told us she wanted to take everyone to Disneyland. I'm ALWAYS down for a Disney trip but I didn't think his family would be in for it. Well it ended up that everyone but my brother in law Joe who lives back east was coming and by the end of the month we had our hotels booked! 

My family decided to drive as far as we could Friday and got all the way to Mesquite before finding a hotel. 

 Even though it wasn't hot there it was much warmer then home and we enjoyed the hot tub. The boys all thought they could show off and jump in the cold pool. I sat nice and warm to the side.

 Cory's family had their flight come in on Saturday so we met them in Newport and stayed at the Villas we stayed at the January before. We could easily fit both of our families in the one villa and could see the ocean from our room. The kids loved swimming and playing mini golf.

 We felt like it was weird to see Christmas lights on palm trees. Didn't really feel like Christmas. But we loved the weather. It was supposed to be very rainy but ended up not really raining at all. We got so lucky.

 On Sunday we got up and made breakfast in our room. We headed to church and as we walked in were giving yogurt parfaits. The church is true haha. Ty then told me he finished the Book of Mormon for the first time while sitting in church.
 Then we headed to Newport beach to hang out before we could check into our other hotel. We were trying to beat the rain that was coming.
 Ok so I posted this same photo twice, but the bottom one is better so enjoy that.

 The beach is always worth our time. I never realized how calm the ocean is in California until we went to Hawaii in January!

Someone else made this snowman out of sand and I bribed Brett with a dollar to stand by it. By this point it was raining and my kids were crying.
 Everyone but Jenny's family stayed in our same hotel which was so fun. It was great to see Bode and our Arizona cousins! We stayed at the Desert Palms hotel on the back side of California Adventure.

 My kids love this movie so they loved to eat here too.

 Their kids meal came in a shrimp boat.
The night before our first day in Disneyland is always my favorite. It's like Christmas eve!

December 2019

We told Santa at the Christmas party with the Palmers how my other boys were feeling better but where staying away from everyone just in case. Well wonderful Santa came TO OUR HOUSE! He knocked at the door to see the boys. They were beyond thrilled.  

 What a wonderful memory.
 Bryan took the boys to a spot in our ward with a big field and pulled them around with sleds. They loved it.

 First we did this in the yard.

 Easton finished his first semester at the Aggie development lab preschool. He LOVED it. Loved it. I'm so glad I snapped a couple of pictures but they had to cut the semester short in the spring. Stupid Covid 19.

 Jr. Ridgeline Basketball. Blake, Stock and Brett played.

 Our annual Christmas party with our friends.

 I got to photograph Brett's class Christmas party.
 Texas roadhouse diner with our family.
 For Christmas we delivered cookies to much of our ward and neighbors. We did really good until Easton dumped his whole plate of cookies in the gutter so we were shot another plate.

 Christmas sacrament meeting. Bryan is still in our bishopric and is always at church before we go.

 My parents went to church with us and wanted to give the boys their presents early.

We always head out with the McEvoy to give some Christmas cheer to people we don't know. We love going to Maceys paying for groceries for people. It's so fun.

Skiing with Grandpa Pack.
I found Easton like this in bed. 

More from Christmas coming soon.