We told Santa at the Christmas party with the Palmers how my other boys were feeling better but where staying away from everyone just in case. Well wonderful Santa came TO OUR HOUSE! He knocked at the door to see the boys. They were beyond thrilled.
What a wonderful memory.
Bryan took the boys to a spot in our ward with a big field and pulled them around with sleds. They loved it.
First we did this in the yard.
Easton finished his first semester at the Aggie development lab preschool. He LOVED it. Loved it. I'm so glad I snapped a couple of pictures but they had to cut the semester short in the spring. Stupid Covid 19.
Jr. Ridgeline Basketball. Blake, Stock and Brett played.
Our annual Christmas party with our friends.
I got to photograph Brett's class Christmas party.
Texas roadhouse diner with our family.
For Christmas we delivered cookies to much of our ward and neighbors. We did really good until Easton dumped his whole plate of cookies in the gutter so we were shot another plate.
Christmas sacrament meeting. Bryan is still in our bishopric and is always at church before we go.
My parents went to church with us and wanted to give the boys their presents early.
We always head out with the McEvoy to give some Christmas cheer to people we don't know. We love going to Maceys paying for groceries for people. It's so fun.
Skiing with Grandpa Pack.
I found Easton like this in bed.
More from Christmas coming soon.
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