Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, March 19, 2020

September 2019

 I was teaching my kids to use my camera and Stock took this photo.

 Grandpa grew a huge pumpkin! ours never grew!

Easton's first day of preschool! He was so excited to make new friends and wear his backpack. 

 Catching bug

 My friend Heather McEvoy
 Family walk
 Blake was so excited to play soccer until he learned he was playing with the girls his age and not just the boys. (there were boys too). He actually did so well. He was really fun to watch.

 comparing leg hair
 My grandma used to love planting sweet peas. She would always deliver them around her to her friends and neighbors. I planted them for her and she loved it! She always had some for her birthday and I thought they couldn't be ready by then and low and behold a lone flower bloomed on her birthday (june 29th). I felt like it was my Grandpa helping it along for her.
 Grandma Palmers birthday!

 These cute girls made Bryan this cute birthday cake!

 Talk like a pirate day!

We were trying new ways to help Stock with his spelling. He would trace the letters in the flour. It ended up just being a mess haha.

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