Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, December 24, 2021

The great wind storm of 2020

The day after Labor Day in September we had the craziest storm I have ever seen. We knew it might be windy but around 1 am I work up the wind blowing against the house. It was so loud! It didn't take me long to realize that Bryan was awake too. I looked outside and our trees were bending in half from the wind. We found out the next day that wind speeds coming off of Providence peak got up to 90 MPH. A category 2 hurricane force winds. My younger boys woke up but my older boys slept though the whole thing. 

I knew in the night we had lost one tree but I was surprised when I got up the next day when I found 4 of our trees down. 4! Our area of Providence looked like a war zone. Everyone had branches and tons of trees down. For some reason this section of Providence got hit so hard. If I drove a couple of blocks down the street they weren't nearly as bad. 

Our trees took our our neighbor Grandma Knowles fence. It just smashed it to pieces. Our friends down the street had a huge pine tree smash into their roof. I think we had 3 or 4 people in our ward have major damage to their homes. A lot of people in my ward live in newer homes so it was only the group of us that lived in the older part that had a lot of damage. 

It ripped the roots out! 
One of my flowers from my front flower bed was found in the back of my backyard. It flew that far! 

My neighbors yard. 

We lost a tree in the front yard too. It crashed into my flower bed and between that and the wind my beautiful flower bed looked horrible! 

Honelsty I was worried about my kids sleeping in the front bedrooms during that storm. The only reason I left them in their rooms was that I knew we didn't have a tree large enough to reach their rooms and break their windows. 

We spent the day cleaning everything up. Bryan's friend brought his dump trailer and we got everything cleaned it. 

My kids had school delayed but they still went. 
My neighbors house 

This is the before- and the next one is the after. We lost all of our shade! 
Planting new trees 

It took us forever to pull the stumps out of the ground. 

One of the things I will remember the most about this storm was how EVERYONE came together to help each other. Everyone was helping others clean up. We live around so many good people. 


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