Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, January 1, 2022

September 2020

 Visiting Grandpa Jenkins grave 

Fishing and frog catching 

He loves getting letters from his cousin Spencer who is on a mission in Maryland. 
My mother in law worked for JC Pennys for 30 years. They kind of pushed her into a early retirement to hire people at a lower wage. Boo. So we weren't too sad when it went out of business. 

A rare sight in 2020. Shelf full of toilet paper. 
Aren't my dahlias amazing??? Oh man I love them. 
Mailing his letter to Spencer. 
Bryans co workers spoiled him big for his 40th birthday. 
Blake signed up to ref soccer this fall. He did awesome and made some good money. 

Labor Day- sorry the photos are out of order. This was the day before the wind storm that killed my yard. 

Hunting for praying mantis at Bryan's work. 
Fishing with Grandpa Palmer 

Right before all of our trees died. Fun times in the back yard. Before we lost our shade. 

Tyson at the ortho. We are always at the ortho! 
I wasn't allowed in the school for 2020-2021 school year because of Covid. So when I dropped Easton off for kindergarten Stock was out in his art class drawing on the sidewalk! I was excited to see him. 

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