Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

October 2022

Happy 15th birthday Blake! He got a pellet gun for this birthday! 
Blake had a Wyoming deer tag. He spent a few days hunting and got one on his birthday! Cory, Luke Bryan and Tyson were there. 

Stockton sold a ton of pumpkins at home! We also went to the pumpkin patch to get big pumpkins. 

Happy birthday to Blake! They got back from hunting and we were all at Grandma Palmer's house. Sannette was especially happy to be singing him happy birthday. 

Mt Logan razor ride 

x-country - Ty and Jack 

The pumpkin walk! 
Look at all of the sweet peas I got! Logan tries to eat them. 

Home meet! Jack showing Blake how he can play with his kadama while he runs. 

These were taken at the top of Providence canyon. I have never seen the yellow leaves out like this. They were amazing!! 

Razor ride

Millville Canyon Razor ride. Logan loves being in the razor. 

Last meet of the year! Ty got a PR at region! 

We used to have a halloween party with the Palmers but the kids are all getting older. This year Nate was already going to be in town so we did the party with them! It was so fun the kids loved it. 

Someone finally lost their front teeth! His little toothless smile kills me. 
Stockton really loves his dog. 
Ward Trunk or treat
Blake got an antelope- a Wyoming Deer and now a Utah buck. 

Halloween was for some reason Star Wars themed. It just happened that way. 


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

September 2022

It's cross country season! Tyson's Jr year. 

Tyson's friends Taegan and Jack with dad photobombing in the back 

Logan goes with us all the time. 
I came home from photos and the power was out. I found the boys like this. 
Taking the boys out to lunch during school. 
Going Grouse hunting. We took Logan in our Razor. Blake ended up getting one! And Logan loved it! He must have thought he was a bird dog. 

Bryan took the YM (including Blake) to old ephraims grave

Happy birthday Bryan! 
Ridgeline homecoming parade! Ty "thought" he would join wrestling that year so joined their float. But never wrestling. 

Stockton grew all of these in our garden and sold them. 


Blake drew a Wyoming deer tag! They want a couple of times with Cory. 

Bringing Grandma and Grandpa Jenkins some sweet peas and pumpkins from our garden. 
Ty qualified for the Bob Firman tournament in Boise. He loved it. 
The lap-a-thon 
Tyson's Cache Box meet. Sannette came to watch and yelled "Tyson Palmer! Never give up Tyson Palmer!"
At the ortho. He was doing this with his phone in my face. Ty is a lot like his dad that way. 
While I was doing photos Bryan and Stockton went on a razor ride up Franklin Basin with Logan.