Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Stockton went to Bryan at the beginning of the summer to make a deal. Mind you he didn't ask me. He said if I go the whole summer without video games or the computer can I get a dog. And Bryan said yes! I was dying! I've never been a dog person. Honestly I didn't think he could do it. But lo and behold his stubborn side won out. He did it with flying colors. He even would avoid hanging out with friends who would like playing video games so he woulds't be tempted. 

Through the summer we looked at a couple of dogs and I said no. The bread he wanted was really hyper and we didn't have enough land for them to run. My friend Stephanie's dong had puppies and was posting their photos online. My other friend already had a dog from this mother and was a very calm sweet dog. I pretty much had to make Stock go take a look at the last two puppies she had. He was mad and didn't want to go. But I knew once he saw them he would love them. 

The one puppy we were told bites more at people. This one was the runt and was more calm. I for sure wanted the more calm on and pushed Stock a little towards him. They called him Newman. He was a sweet dog. 

These photos are from the first day we went to check the dogs out. 

We decided on Newman- soon to be called Logan. Look how happy Stockton was! He has loved this dog so much from the moment he saw him. This was the day we picked him up. Stockton spent the next few days before school started with him. 

While he was a puppy (almost three months old) and did get into some trouble he was really good. He has only had a few accidents in the house his whole life. (He is almost two now) The worst thing he would do is eat socks. He could gobble those up so fast! After a few days he would throw them up. 

Easton was really scared of him at first. He has always struggled with dogs. He would climb on the bar or the top of the couch for the first couple of weeks. Then he started to really love the dog. 

 Logan has been a blessing to our family. He is so sweet and would never bite anyone. Well maybe Tyson because Ty loves to tease him. He only barks at Ty took. Right now he is sitting by me on the couch and usually follows me around the house. We love Logan and I'm glad he is part of our family. 

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