Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, January 29, 2024

August 2022

Bear Lake!
Tyson- and My Alana and Indy 

Easton and Finn 
Kiya, Dax and Brett getting ready to go on a tub ride

I love this photo so much. All my sweet boys. 

These two are always fighting and being silly 

We floated the narrows as a family. It was actually really fun! Bryan had Easton in his raft and the rest of us had our own. This is the part where the boys went cliff jumping. 

Boy of my boys were in HIGH SCHOOL. We went to get their school photos taken. 
hike up the ridge in Providence Canyon 
We have been to Disneyland many many times but never Lagoon. And it's only a hour from my house. So we loaded up the kids and my parents and headed down for the day. We had a great time! 

That's Bryan, Ty, Blake, Stock and my dad going upside down 

We got a little wet 

Happy happy 7th birthday to my sweetest heart Easton. He is such a light in my life. 

We had a small birthday party with a few kids. 

We had a Pack Family reunion with my extended Pack family at this is the place monument park. My 3rd great grandpa has a home restored in the park because they started the UofU in his living room and the old ZCMI department store. His home was huge because he had 9 wives and tons of kids. Lots of my cousins came and it was so fun to see them. I am really into family history and pioneer times so I was extra exited to go. Nate's family came too. 

John Pack was one of the first pioneers to enter the valley. I also had another grandpa (William Clayton) and Bryan had one (Thomas Grover) in the first group of pioneers. John Pack is actually on this monument. 
My dad and a few of his siblings in front of the John Pack home. Keven, Vurvian, my dad and Gary
The kids pulled handcarts. and inside the museum with Alex. 
I think knowing where you came from is so important. To appreciate your ancestors for the sacrifice they made for us to be where we are. 

First day of school! Freshmen go the day before everyone else. 

Back to school photos! Brett is in 5th grade 

Blake is 9th grade 

Stock is in his last year of elementary school and is 6th grade

Easton didn't want his photo taken someone had made him mad. He is going to be in 2nd grade. 
Ty guy is a Junior! 

First day of official school! Ty drives Blake to school with. him. 

We headed to Wyoming for an antelope hunt! Blake had a tag this year. 

Willard Peak 
Blake tried the Mountain bike club. He went to practices in the summer but this ended up being the only race he did. I had just thrown my back out really bad so it was horrible pain. Blake did pretty good I this race! I was so proud of him! This one was at Beaver Mountain. 

My birthday! My best girl Sannette came to see me. 
Heather McEvoy got my flowers. 


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