Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

February 2023

This was on the coolest and snowy winters I have ever seen. This was the INSIDE of the garage door going outside. 

Poor Logan got pretty cold going out to the bathroom. 
What happens when you go for a run 
For Tysons Jr Prom day date Bryan and I brought a trailer to cart his group up and down a sledding hill. We also brought donuts and hot chocolate for them. 

Tyson took his friend Payton to Prom 

Tysons car waiting to get fixed and slowly getting covered in snow. 
Biz town! I went with Brett this year. We had an awesome time. He worked at Larry Miller. 

For heart defect awareness day we all wore purple. Or as much purple as we had. For my niece Laycee 
Stock made a parachute at school 
Overnight YM trip to riverdale. 

Valentines tea! One of my favorite things they do in elementary school. They escort a "date" over to the old rock church, pull their chair out and have a list of questions on the table to ask the girl. And they dress up. Adorable. They learn manners before too. 

My neighbor sent me this. This was our old house. Behind the tub surround he wrote "Bryan loves Heather 2005" 

Our niece Briana had a new baby! This is Bennett Smith. I got to go up when his sister Addy met her brother and get photos. What a honor to be there. 
My sweet aunt Janice is going on a mission to Dallas Texas! My mom and Aunt Roxey are also about the serve a mission. 
Handsome Easton dressed himself 
Stocktons friend from school got to be in the NBA all star game coverage giving one of the top players their jersey. We were watching TV when we saw him. 

The Jr Jazz team didn't do that well- but they had fun and got better. So we took them to lunch. 


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