Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, September 29, 2024

April 2023- Snow snow and more snow

 This stupid thing keeps adding them backward so the end of April is first. So sorry about that. 

Fireside at Bishop McEvoy's father in laws house. 

Soccer for this handsome guy
Temple baptisms 
Someone finally got their braces off! Ty was always breaking his brackets from chewing on stuff so it took a long time. He looks so handsome. 

Brett's birthday present from my parents was this lego shelf for his mini figures. Brett is obsessed with Legos. 
If Ty isn't home he is usually fishing 
Happy happy 11th birthday to my sweet Bett! He really is the best little boy. 

I picked up Ty and Jack from school and ended up with Jack selfies on my phone 
Bretts friend Jackson came home with us for Bretts birthday. He is a good friend to Brett. 
Brett got lots of legos for his birthday 

So this is backwards because as we get further in the post the more snow will appear. But the snow melted enough finally that we had a little fire in the garden. 

Grandpa Pack, Kiya and Brett all share a birthday with in about a week of each other. So while Kiya was in town we had birthday donuts together. 
Grandpa also likes legos so we got him the James Bond car. 
I love Alex so much. We brought or RZR over and this was a screen shot from a video we took of him going for a ride. He is obsessed. 

I have lots and lots of cousin. And I love them all I truly do. My cousin Tia got married and I was lucky enough to be her photographer. All 11 of her brothers and sisters came! yes they have 11 kids. They lived about 45 mins from my house during high school so I got to know them better. I was so happy to see them! Above is my cousin Bret and below is sweet Tia. 

Easton wanted to bring treats to his class. His teacher is just the best I love her to pieces. Mrs. mills. Also East rocked the halls at school. He is behind the little girl smiling. 

I did something I don't do often and got some headshots taken. I love them. 

Easton and his cousins little baby Bennett


We had way too much snow for an easter egg hunt. Even though it was a couple of weeks into April. So crazy. So we had the candy hunt on my sister in law Jennys driveway. We did what we could. It was still really fun. 

Annual gun Easter photo 

We went to Cory's again for their Prom. Ty brought his friend Jack to take a couple of girls who didn't get asked. 

For Spring break we went to a Jazz game. And of course Stockton had to stand by the John Stockton statue. 
We got discounted tickets for the boys being in Jr Jazz and they gave our section extra treats and food. 

our photo made it to the Jumbotron 

We went to Crown burger before the game 

Logan got his first haircut! He hated it! 
We got dumped on with snow. FEET of snow. In April! It was unbelievable. I'm missing some photos of the ski resort Blake too during spring break. The snow was higher than the stairs to get into the the ski lodge. 

We drove up the canyon to see what it was like. Honesty when I had to take photos for people it was hard because the snow was too deep and they would sink. So we had to use roads and sidewalks etc. It was like driving through a tunnel to get around. 

These were up the canyon. Bryan got our van stuck when we pulled off the road and had to get help to get out. 

Working on Eastons quilt during conference. 
Heavy snow during conference. 
Stockton has started helping me cook. He is good at it! 

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