East has a cavity that was really bad. My kids got this weird genetic trait from me where they teeth doesn't develop all the way before they come in so they came in with a cavity already in their tooth. Not from decay just a hole in their tooth. East has a couple of them but the really bad one we fixed quickly. When the dentist showed me the inside it was like spiderweb looking stuff in there. So weird. He was nervous so we brought sheepy and he did really well. Lucky for us it wasn't a root canal.
Blake did so well in Track! He ran the 800 1600.
Of course when you get record snowfall you get flooding. So we had to go take a look. Blake, Bryan, Brett and Bretts friend Travin.
The boys showing that they are as tell or almost as tell as Grandpa.
Someone needs a hair cut
East brought me these flowers from school!
He got these on a field trip
SOOOO happy to be on the side by side! The snow has made us wait so long! But we can't go very high still.
Tysons Senior Prom.
Ty and Taegan
Mothers day
Ty and his friends love Jordan Peterson. He is a professor who has a large internet following. I like him as well. So when he was going on a speaking tour and came to Boise Ty told me he wanted to go. So we arranged to have Jack, Taegan, Blake and my father in law Lige all go. It was fun for me because they show was in the Idaho Center where I went to concerts in high school and my brothers high school graduation. I didn't have time to drive into Nampa (where I grew up) but we really enjoyed the show.
Showing Bryan where I saw for a NSYNC concert in like 1999.
I love Ty's friends. Makes me happy he has such good friends. And we all really enjoyed it.
Lige didn't realize he had a knife in his pocket until we were almost up to the doors. And you have to go through medal detectors. So he went and hid it in the bushes but the way he did it cracked us up so much.
By a total miracle we made it back from Boise to Bretts Wellsville mile. And Blake because he was on the track team got to run with him. Ty could have ran too but had some classes he couldn't miss.
He did good! He didn't stop the whole time.
Ty and Sannette send me a photo every time he goes to work with her.
Eastons 2nd grade concert. They recited Poems and sang songs. It was adorable.
I adore Mrs. Mills. She had a program where a few kids could come before school and get extra help that Easton was in. Then when East had a soccer game with a couple other kids in his class she came with treats for them. Amazing.
5th grade civil war reenactment - my favorite. Brett is in the royal blue shorts in the back
The boys had man camp on the west desert. I had to work so they went with my dad.
The salt flats
Ty has this weird thing with Ghosts and ghost hunters so he slept by the cemetery. Which is weird but whatever.
Ty earning money by helping me in the raspberry patch
We needed Eastons scriptures before we went on our family vacation (I was taking his baptism photos there) so my mother in law picked them up for him.
Eastons soccer team!
I have been really studying up on my family history so I pulled my wonderful cousin Julie with me to show here where all of the grave plots of our family are. It was amazing. I just love Julie.
Finally to the top of Millville! End of May.
Ty is crazy about fishing
I missed the 6th grade clap out but my friends took photos for me (I was photographing a wedding and didn't know about the clap out)
The year book page for Stock. He said silly stuff but his photo was so cute! Kindergarten to 6th grade.
Memorial Day! My boys in between their 4th and 3rd great grandparents. The coburns (my side) and Jensons (Bryan's side)
Sierra and Nates newest baby Cassian!
East trying out his baptism suit
Packs at Grandma and Grandpas grave.
Hardware ranch ride
Hair cuts before our BIG TRIP!
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