Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, February 28, 2025

Tyson's Mission Call

 It's hard to explain the feelings a mom goes through when their child is going on a mission for our church. He will be gone for 2 years with the only communication we have is a phone call and emails once a week. Which is more than it used to be! I knew I had a lot of feelings about it I was putting deep down and they were all going to come up one day. And the day he got his mission call was that day. 

Because Ty's friends had their calls I kind of knew how it was going to go. I saw the Friday before that they issued his missionary email. It was our sign that his call was coming the next week. Most of them come Tuesdays so we kind of planned Tuesday. We went back and forth about how it was going to go and I was trying other let him choose. but he was thinking about opening it like two days after he got it for everyone and I thought that was a stupid idea. That would drive me crazy. My brother in law Cory wanted to come and was planning on Tuesday. So he told the one or two friends who couldn't come Tuesday to make it work. And they did. Teenagers. 

Tuesday morning I was kind of a mess. He would be the one who got the text that his call was in his portal so I was texting him. Then he was told that some people weren't getting their calls until later in the week and I freaked out. I had all these plans but I didn't dare do everything until I knew. Then about 10 am he texted me. We got it. What is my user name and password for it? (honestly how did he not know but whatever) I asked him if he wanted to leave school to open it himself. 

He decided to open it by himself and then read it to the rest of us later. I loved this and recommend it honestly. It let him kind of process it without the stress of being in front of a lot of people. For Ty it was perfect. 

So Ty went to his weights class and opened it in the locker room. The LOCKER ROOM. Such a Tyson thing. then I got these texts- 

Nothing worse than the three ... waiting for him to reply. 

The moment I saw he was excited all the nerves I felt were gone. I was totally fine. I really just wanted him to be excited. I didn't care where he went really. His other best friend Hunter got his call the same day and read it at school. I can't remember but he may have told Hunter because he would be opening his call for his family and couldn't come over to Tysons thing. 

Tysons post on Facebook- inviting the world to come to our house: 

Then I had my break down. He was leaving. The little boy who loved tractors and had the cutest laugh. The little boy with such a zest for life. Playing in my sand box and building things for hours. I cried and cried in the shower but it felt so good! I had to grieve this a little bit. Even if it's a good thing it's sad to have your kids move on. At least for me it was. 

Because it's out of order surprise! He was called to the New Mexico Farmington Mission! Here is the map-

We had an unbelievable amount of people in our house. We were going to have him read it upstairs but I soon realized we were not going to have enough room. 

I spent like 100 bucks in treats for all of Tysons friends. Below this is Ty before everyone came over was playing his guitar in his room. He was stressed about having so many people come over. 

I was sitting next to Sannette- I was so nervous and I felt like I needed to hold onto someone so I put my arm around her. Which she of course didn't mind while he read his call. Farmington New Mexico! English speaking and reporting August 26th. 

So from my family my parents came and Nate was on a FaceTime call. Bryans parents, Jenny and most of her kids came, Cory, Katie and Luke drove from Wyoming for it. We had Becca on FaceTime. We had friends from the ward. McEvoy's, Duff Bell and Frank Cole Tysons old YM leaders. Then like 50 of his friends. Tons of kids. It was so cool he had so much support! And everyone hung out after. 

Jack, Ty and Taegan. 

Blake, Cousin Luke (tys bestie) and Tyson 

Of course Sannette. The next time Ty went to work with her he picked her up from her bus stop. The driver said hey congrats on your mission call! New Mexico! Sannette had been telling everyone she met that Tyson did such a good job opening his mission call and he was going to New Mexico. 
Bryan was here and he IS apart of our family. He was just too busy talking to people in the house to come out for a photo. 

Blake and his buddies Anthony and John. 
Accepting his call later. 

I'm slow posting this and at this point he has been out 6 months. I miss him so much. He is doing awesome on his mission and is currently serving right in Farmington for now. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

March 2024

 Bryan and his cast- he actually had a hot pick one for while. 

Tysons Mission photo for his papers. I didn't know it then but his photo is used on his mission whenever they do transfers etc. 

Snow rides. Logan always goes its his favorite. 
This was Tyson before getting his wisdom teeth out. 
So tyson only had two wisdom teeth to come out. And he hasn't had any sort of surgery since is appendix came out when it was 4. He wasn't too nervous but as soon as he went back I was! Apparently I had some unresolved feelings about him going under and it reminded me of his appendix bursting. I was so relieved when they came and got me to tell me everything went well. I didn't know what to expect when I went and saw him in recovery. I really thought it would be just waking up and out of it. I had kind of thought of him being funny but I thought it would take a minute. 

It didn't. 

He was so funny. Like peak Tyson. He was giggling and complaining about the stuff in his mouth. He was saying everyone that said that was hard was a wuss. Then he pulls his phone out. I thought he was trying to text me what he wanted to say because it was hard to talk but he freaking opens be real and posts! (its a ap where you post what you are doing right then. He loved it and posted daily) 
Do you like how he couldn't type on his post? He fixed it when it was more with it. 

So it wasn't long before I could take him home. He wanted to pull the Gause out of his mouth and I kept telling him no. Then he took the bandaid off his arm from his IV and went to throw it out the winder. I told him no and I'll throw it away when I get home. He then OPENED THE DOOR on the highway! It freaked me out! He talked about wanting to go to Fun unlimited (his fav store that has used cds and records etc) but I told him no. He said he needed a ABBA cd. Then he wanted to get a new fish. His was old and stupid. 

Then my favorite part- he told me I was driving bad. I had been on Main Street for about 10 minutes in the same lane going totally straight. He felt in his altered state I was swerving all over the road. He called me a crazy women driver. I asked him who was a better driver me or him. He said you! He said these drivers are dumb as Hell. I got mad at him for swearing. He never ever swears around me if he does at all. I told him that he has never done that before and he said and I quote "first time for everything sweetheart" I died. I still laugh. It was so funny. Man I miss this kid. 

He did pretty good in his recovery. A little swelling but not bad. 

He had to go to girls choice a little swollen but he was ok. 

Jack got his mission call! I was at photos in North Logan (he opened it the day later I had written off every Tuesday in case Ty got his mission call ) so I got there right after he opened it. McAllen Texas Spanish Speaking! He left the end of July. 

I love Jacks mom. She is amazing. So I took a couple of photos of them. 

I'm on the yearbook committee and took of photo of all the 6th graders .Notice the photo below of Brett haha

Ty was getting ready to submit his papers and I noticed this question. He truly does hate the cold. 

St Patricks day!
I had a wedding at the temple with one of my fav families. I just love their little Hadley. She wanted a picture of us together. 
Nate and the kids came to town! 

At Blakes track meet Bryan ran into his friend Ed from his Hycolne days. Bryan worked there when we got married. 

Blake did the high jump and the 800m in Track this year! 

Jr Jazz ended

Brett and his friend Jackson 

Bretts team - Then Stock and Eastons teams
There was a dance for special needs kids at Ridgeline for all the kids in the valley. Sannette was set on Tyson taking her so he did. He picked her up at her house and drove her over to the dance for a little while. Ty still works with her once a week and they are best buds. Jenny snuck over to check on her and got this photo.