Freedom Run! Ty and Blake ran it together. Uncle Brad and Lily ran it as well.
They did amazing!!
We had a whole cheering section where Lily and Brad ran too. We actually got Grandma Palmer to come! Also Jenny and some of her girls came too. Lily was in the top 10 women to in the race too. As a like 8th grader!
Brett had a huge cavity in his tooth. It was hurting him so bad so I had to push for them to pull it out. It was a baby tooth.
When the Palmers all get together we usually play some games in Grandmas backyard.
Navy and Bryan.
24 of July fireworks in North Logan
Working on Eastons baptism quilt!
Laycee was able to do a make a wish wish. She got this beautiful horse! And she loves it so much. We took the younger boys up to Mt. Logan with Grandpa Pack for a cook out! From the top of the mountain! We just had hot dogs and treats but it was so fun. What a view.
Aquatics center! Brett and the boys jumping off the diving board.
Easton had swimming lessons. My only one! He did so good.
My friend Tammy from Orchestra in high school came to Logan for a vacation with her daughter and I took her daughters senior pictures.
Spencer decided to propose to his girlfriend Emily! We love her! Bryan and I got to help set up and came after he did it to grab a few photos.
I've known Steven since 2nd grade. That is a really long time ago! When he was getting sealed in Logan he asked me to take their wedding photos. I was so happy to see him!
After Family Pictures
I love how big my flowers are getting!
Mondays are family night at the aquatics center! And we happened to run into his friend Travin.
No the boys didn't go see the Barbie movie I think they saw mission impossible. But they had to be silly anyway.
I finally had a sweet pea bloom!!
A letter B for Brett when he made his bed.
We took Easton and our neighbor Miles all the way to bear lake on a razor ride.
I love Alyssia. She is my favorite. And I've only seen her in person twice! Bryan met her on his mission to Ohio and when she was in Utah she came for family pictures! It's tradition to go to Aggie Ice cream after photos with them.
Pioneer Day singing time in Primary.
24th of July parade! We went with my cousins and their kids this year.
Me, Julie, Emily and Rachel
Alyssa's girls at photos. Sorry this one is out of order.
Bryan arranged a group razor ride up Millville and down Providence.
Brett and Heather Mcevoy and Derrick Norman and his wife.
Our good friend Court Roberts. He is a nut on his machine!
These are actually part of our Mt Logan ride with my dad.
Mt Logan cook out
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