Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

January 2024- Ty turns 18!

January! Of course it's all out of order but they are all January.  

Easton Rocked the halls at school! He met his reading goal and got to run down the halls at school with everyone cheering. 
Ty and Blake had jr prom! I took them to usu campus so they won't be standing in the snow. 

Blakes group and his first time going to a boys choice school dance. 

My handsome boys before they left the house 

Brett loves to sled 
Jr Jazz! 


Stockton in the snow 

Trav Brett and Jackson 

Blake and Easton doing a video game night 
Blake got asked to girls choice!

Our friends daughter Georgia 

You know when it's cold when the INSIDE of the door has ice on it! 
Ok I hate blogger and that fact I'm old but I'm leaving these photos anyway. I took the boys sledding in Logan. 
You can't believe this but my Tyson is getting ready for HIS MISSION. Ugh! We headed to the Dr to get that part of his papers done. Of course he is doing great. 

This dog loves his boy! 
In January we always measure everyone. 
Someone got their drivers license. 
Filling out his mission papers. 
Family lunch at Logan Burgers and Sandwiches 
Picking up the little boys at school
My brother and a few of his kids came up to see Brett and Stockton be ordained to different offices in the priesthood. His little boy Alex (I love him so much) had a hard time going to primary in their ward. I figured he could just stay with me the whole time and see how he did without going to nursery. I'm the primary president so I stay in singing time the whole time. And my mom offered to go with him too. But lo and behold Al Dog liked primary and even helped in singing time! And started going to his when he got back home. 
It was Daxtons birthday! So we made pancakes! 

Brett was ordained a deacon and Stockton a teacher. 

Tyson and Alex- chilling at church 
Minute to win it cup game 

Tyson turned 18! My little boy 18?!?! He is the best. And so dang funny. I just love being his mom. 

Birthday razzleberry pie Tysons favorite and what he asks for every year. 

For whatever reason Bryan started doing this tradition when Ty was like 10 of picking him up. It was super hard to do that with Ty this time when he is so tall! Ty is about 6 feet tall. 

Tyson had a birthday party and I let him decide what he wanted to do. He wanted to watch a movie and so we bought them treats and pizza and I had his friends help invite kids to come over. He loved it. 
It left Tysons prom photos to the end- he went with Charlotte from our ward. They had a great time. 

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