Every year Bryan's extended family does a big party and has Santa come and give the kids a treat. This is the first year Tyson has even really cared about Santa so when it was his turn he ran up to him. It was so cute. I can't wait to Christmas this year!

Ty told Santa he wanted a riding lawn mower like his Grandpas. Good gravy my two year old already wants the big gifts!

We were just happy Blake didn't cry on Santa's lap.

My sweet boys. Blake is now 14 1/2 months old and has NO TEETH! NOT ONE! I think they are finally coming in but in the mean time I keep singing "all Blake wants for Christmas is his two front teeth".
It must be a family thing. My oldest didn't get any teeth until she was 15 months old. We would joke that we'd have to get her baby dentures :)
Wow! That is crazy! I have never heard of such a thing? What does the doctor say about that?
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