Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Magic is Back!

I haven't been this excited about Christmas since I was a little kid.  I've been thinking and planning ahead for Christmas since October this year.  I got my boys shopping done weeks ago and have most of my presents wrapped.  I'm just so excited.  Tyson really is starting to understand what Christmas is and tells me about Santa and his presents.  He tells me he wants a riding lawn mower and a snow blower.  What a boy.  I keep tying to explain that Santa can't fit those things in his sleigh.  I just hope he isn't mad on Christmas when there isn't a lawn mower under the tree.  He does know that Christmas is Jesus birthday. All he knows is after Jesus birthday it will be his soon.  I can't believe my little guy is almost 3!
A couple of weeks ago at our ward Christmas party a member of the ward dressed up as Santa and they took some pictures of Ty with him.  Well last night we had a knock at the door and I could see Santa through the window in my door.  When I opened the door he asked for Tyson and the look on Ty's face to see Santa there just for him was PRICELESS!  So cute!  He ran right to him and gave him a huge hug.  Santa brought him pictures of them together at the party and Ty is carrying them around my house.  What a sweet boy.  
I'm sorry to those of you who didn't receive a Christmas card from us.  Know we love you and hope  you have a wonderful holiday season with your families!!  


Camey said...

How fun! It is fun to live through Tyson- knowing that next year Spencer will be more like that! I got my pictures at Target. Spencer was tired and grumpy so it wasn't the best experience, but they turned out okay.

Anonymous said...

I love love love that all Ty wants is a riding lawnmower. I think that is hysterical!

blair and maisy said...

Isn't Christmas fun with kids!?!

Sarah said...

I love your blog Heather and family!