Merry Christmas!

I've been behind on blogging! A week after Christmas I got my anniversary and Tyson's birthday so this is a busy time for our family. We had a wonderful Christmas! We spent Christmas Eve celebrating my Grandma Packs 89th birthday then to my in laws for dinner. I spent all last month working on a slideshow video for Bryan's family of all their hunting trips. Thanks to my sister in law for scanning them! It turned out really cool and they loved it! Then the kids did a little nativity thing and Ty was Joesph and his little cousin Abby that he follows around all the time was Mary. Because the only baby in the family wasn't in the mood Laycee who is two sat in the basket to be our baby Jesus. I loved it. It was so cute to watch Ty sit there so good. On Christmas morning we didn't have to get up until 8 (so nice!) and Ty was way into it. He just wanted to unwr

ap everyones presents he didn't care if it was for him or not. Blake just wandered around but he thought it was fun I'm sure. Bryan gave me a beautiful signed Liz Lemon Swindle painting (shown here) and my dad made me a (I'm not sure what they are called) but a shelve and seat to go in my laundry room. It has baskets on top to put gloves and hats with hooks for coats and the seat opens up to put shoes inside. Oh I love love love it! Well we braved the weather and drove to my parents house and the roads weren't too bad yet. After we ate dinner it was snowing sidewise. W

e got snowed in their house because they closed a lot of the roads to get home. The next morning we drove home and every road we drove on had at least a few inches of straight ice on it. I couldn't believe

it that in Utah that haven't cleared the roads very good. The roads are STILL bad around my house. We got like a foot of snow around my house. (You think I'm kidding? Come plow my driveway!) but we made it ok. All in all a wonderful Christmas. I love this time of year.
Where did Brian get that picture for you and how did he get it signed? I LOVE IT! I love what your dad made and what fun! You need to post pictures of your anniversary and Ty's b-day as well!
Looks like you had a great Christmas! I can't remember what those things are called either but I wish we had one of those to hang coats and stuff. Very nice!
Luckily all the snow we got last week is quickly melting away and the roads are pretty clear. I was also frustrated that our roads weren't being plowed either! What the heck, I mean they probably spend more money with the accidents that happen than it would to pay someone to go plow all the roads.
I've got my daughter's birthday in less than 2 wks too so I know how you feel. And then my birthday, and then whenever baby decides to come.
I forgot to ask you where you got your stockings?
Happy Anniversary! Did you know we share the same date? I wanted to get some old photos of us on my blog, but my scanner is out of commision. I will post once it is working.
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