It's almost a week until Christmas!! I couldn't be more excited! We have had a ruff few days in our house thought. Blake woke up Sunday with a stomach bug that is going around here and threw up all morning. I couldn't keep anything down the poor little guy. Now he is shooting from the other end but acting and eating much better. This is his 4 day of this. Then Bryan got the bug yesterday and hasn't left his bed much in fact is still there I've disinfecting the entire house like 10 times trying not to catch it. Ty hasn't had it either so I'm bracing myself. I hope it's gone before Christmas!
When Bryan was growing up they had Santa come to his Palmer family Christmas parties at his Grandma Palmers house and Santa would bring them a present. Well my father in law bought his parents house

when they passed away and rents it now and my brother in law and his wife now live there. So what a perfect time to have the same Santa come like he has for like that last 20 years and give our kids presents. It's rare to have all of us together so I hurrtied a got a cousin picture and you can tell Blake wasn't very happy. As soon as Santa came in the room Ty sat right in front of him. It's SO cute to see him being so excited to see Santa. He ran up when Santa called his name to give him a present. What a dear boy. What a fun family tradition. This is the first year we did our own Santa.
A family from here in the valley last week died in the canyon in a car accident leaving two little kids behind. Bryan knew the dad from high school, even going hunting with him a few times. It's so sad to think

about those poor kids that no longer have parents. When my father in law went out to pay Santa after he was done (who is a friend of the family) he told him that he was scheduled to do a family party for the couple that died and of course they cancelled. The Santa said he looks at these family parties different after that. We are so lucky to be able to all be together. Especially my nieces who have had a lot of health problems. I don't know what I would do without my kids. I've really been thinking about how fast they are growing up and trying to appreciate it more. I love the funny things they do. Ty last night started singing a song about deer hunting in the middle of his prayer (I'm sure the Lord will forgive him for

that) and little Blake who loves dancing around my house. So cute. I'm so thankful to my husband for making a way for me to be able to stay home with my kids. It wouldn't be fair for someone else to enjoy them instead of me.
Okay so I figured that your blog was still showing so you just hasn't done it yet. I was like she hasn't updated since November 17th! Well you have- I just need to change the address. I will catch up one of these days! You should delete the other one. Thanks for the Christmas card!
Oh yeah and I love the tradition!! The story gave me tingles. Is the 2nd picture of the baby and Santa Brian or Ty? I can't tell? You are lucky to be able to stay home- I do enjoy my breaks though, but I honestly love every moment I have with my kids (well when I ma not pulling my hair out)!
What a great post!
Hope everyone feels better soon - that has got to be the worst couple of days when you've got that bug. Yuck.
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