Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hiking, swimming... yep it's summer!

We drove up in the mountains last weekend and ended up hiking about 6 miles.  Note to self:  don't take a three year old on a hike that long.  He was ok hiking the three miles in, but not the three miles out.  I love this picture of the family though.  I love the self timer.  

Dad and his boys. He can't wait to take them hunting in these mountains someday.   

We have the BEST dentist in the world.  He pays for his patients to have a free swim night at the local pool.  Ty went crazy he thought he had gone to heaven.  Bryan took him down the slide a few times and he just laughed and laughed.  Blake on the other hand was scared to death but warmed up to it after awhile.  We had a great time.  
All he wanted was his doughnut.  The kid ate the whole thing by himself. 
Going down the slide with dad. 
We had my nephew James over to our house.  I love this picture of the three of them.  
I haven't updated Sannette's progress for awhile. I think this picture explains how she is doing- Wonderful!  What a sweetheart! 


Curtis and Deedra said...

those are beautiful mountains. what fun! It's great that you get out so often to do things like that with your family. As soon as Curtis gets back we need to do that more too.

blair and maisy said...

What a cool dentist! I think I need to find one that does that.

Camey said...

How fun! Your hair is getting long as well. I love it! I can't believe you hiked that many miles. Crazy!

Mendon Packs said...

Your boys are growing so fast! It seems like yesterday that Reg and Frank were little like that. We missed you at the baptism but we understand. Life is crazy. We really need to get together soon.