I know it's past his birthday but I wanted to post pictures of my baby's 2nd birthday!! Blake was so funny about the whole day- he loved every minute of it. The kid cracks me up. He kept telling Tyson what to do all day. So here is a few highlights of pictures of the day:

How can you not LOVE a face like that? Look at that concentration!

My brother took this picture- what is up with the frown?? So funny!!

A fun toy my mom got him. Ty had a really hard time allowing Blake to play with all of these fun new toys because he wanted first crack at them I guess. Poor Ty!

I always let them help me mix up their cake then lick the cake mix off the beaters.

Blake is turned into quite the interesting kid lately. He is into weird things that he has to have. Like he always wants his shoes on. He is even sleeping with them on! But he tries to put them on himself. He still is crazy about his toy guns. Even if he isn't holding one if I get after him he takes his finger and pretends to shoot me. I'm sure he has NO idea what he is meaning by that but it kind of cracks me up. He still talks like crazy. He loves to give mom hugs and kisses now. So cute. He doesn't like to sit in the sandbox like Ty does and play he would rather be kicking a ball across the yard or exploring. He likes to play alone a lot more then Ty does and he has his certain movies that he loves to watch. He can already count a little bit and knows part of the ABC song. He FINALLY will let me read to him if it's a short book. It's interesting to see the different personalities in my kids. I can see some weird things that Blake got from me that Ty doesn't have. As a child I was scared of a lot of things but ESPECIALLY dogs. Poor Blake got my fear of dogs. He didn't used to be that way but my mom's nice black lab Sammy comes up to him and if he is on my lap he is fine but if he is standing he freaks out. Ty on the other hand tries to ride on his back like a horse. Tyson likes to find Bryan when he is hiding and have Bryan jump out and scare him. I HATE people jumping out to scare me. Blake runs and find me screaming when Bryan does this- another mom trait. So I'm sorry Blake I gave you my scardycatness. I hope your dad can get that out of ya.
I'm so happy to have you in my family Blake! You make my life so much fun!
1 comment:
oh he is soo dang cute and SOOO smart me and Natalie were talking about how smart he is and how he started talking so early...sorry about your back ..let me know if you ever need help ..why didnt you call me silly ..CALL me if it ever happends again! K!?
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