So for years and years my lower back has given my trouble. For the most part it's better more then it's worse so I usually don't worry very much about it. My brother has had MAJOR back problems and it's taken years, physical therapy, lots of working it out and tons of dr.'s before he feels like he can function without meds. I've always worried if I didn't workout more that someday something like that would happen to my back. Well it happened. I was in Tyson's room picking up his books that were on the floor then all of the sudden I had a sharp shooting pain in my bad and down my legs that dropped me to the floor. I was screaming it hurt so bad. I've been in labor twice before and granted I've always had a epidural so I don't know what the full labor feels like but the pain I was in was worse then labor for me. I wonder if I feel that way because in labor it hurts then you get a minute or so break then it hurts again and my back I was in pain constantly. Poor Blake was standing next to me when it happened and he kept asking "you ok mom? you ok?" So I try to get to my room but I could hardly move. I called Bryan in tears because I didn't know what to do. I had to have Blake hand me the phone because I couldn't reach it. So I was like that for a couple of hours- I at least made it to the couch and laid on my side hoping to find some position that would relieve my pain but nothing worked. I would either be in TONS of pain or just annoying pain. It didn't help that my kids thought I was kidding and kept hitting me and trying to jump on me. They thought I was fake crying like I sometimes do. I wasn't faking it this time though! ANYWAY Bryan came hope to help me feed the boys lunch and ended up taking me to the chiropractor. It seems I have sprained my lower back in my pelvis. Who sprains they back?? He had a name for it but I can't remember what the exact term is. They call it a mommy sprain from bending over and picking up kids and from what your hips have to do in labor. It was like a ticking time bomb so when I bent over to pick something up my body just gave up and let go- which sprained it and is pinching a nerve. He said it was a 9 MONTH injury! But I hopefully won't be in as much pain as I was then. Honestly since about the time we left for the dr. I have been feeling well enough to at least walk around and function a little bit. At first there was no way I could get around without crying in pain. So I can't bend over to pick my boys up unless I sit down, have them come to me and stand up. It's too painful anyway right now. It was a chore getting Blake out of his crib this morning while Bryan is at basketball. Poor Bryan had to take the afternoon off yesterday because I couldn't do anything. He had to help me bath the boys and change the diapers. Pretty much anything that makes me bend over at all it's extremely painful still at this point. I at least got some stretches that he wants me to do (pretty much for the rest of my life) and to ice my back. Bad thing is I can bearly sleep because it hurts all the time and my poor boys want me to hold them and it's hard to do it.
So moral of the story is: when bending over to pick up your kids- USE YOUR LEGS! It hurts too much to sprain your back!!!
I'm so sorry. I did that about 10 years ago, it was awful. Let me know if you need some help.
I have really bad back problems too. I have been to tons of doctors and my shoulder and back are in constant pain. I relate!! I am supposed to do the stretches as well, but who thinks about it? I have taken a yoga class and need to take more! Anyhow, the moral of this is I am sorry!
yikes. I am so sorry. that would be really hard.
Oh Chica,
I am SO SO Sorry! sucks bad. I can't even imagine how much harder it would be if I would have been a mom when it happened. Way to be a trooper!
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