Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well somehow I got volunteered for my husbands family and extended family to all come to MY house for Thanksgiving this year. It was over 40 people counting kids. We had 22 kids- yikes! What are you supposed to say to your mother in law when she asks you the week before though? I also knew my husband would be ticked off if I said no so I said yes. He thinks is wasn't too big of a deal but the three days of planning and cleaning before with someone who still has mono or whatever the crud it isI have was hard. Lucky for me and all of the family I didn't cook much so the food wasn't burnt. I seem to burn everything- I blame it on my blond hair. I get too distracted and burn things a lot. Everything worked out pretty well. It was nice outside so the boys spend some time in our big back yard playing. The only thing that really happened was Bryan's 6 year old cousin peed his pants downstairs then laid on my love sac and sat on my couch upstairs. Nice. So I spent the evening cleaning up after that. I was down on my hands and knees with my sister in law looking for the pee spot- now that is gross. But kids are kids and alls well that ends well. Here are a few pics of the day:
Loading up on the good food.
Blake was so hungry when we finally started to eat. He loved being with all the kids.
This is what my basement looked like before we sat down to eat. I should have gotten a picture of us after we were eating but oh well. We put plastic down under where we had the kids sit so if they spilled it wouldn't hurt the carpet. I requested no red punch or red jello on my 6 month old carpet. I was nervous when they brought down the red raspberry jam but my carpet is still in tact after the whole thing was over. We ate pic upstairs in my kitchen. I think next time we should have it in a church. We are getting too big!


Adam and Aubrey said...

Bravo to you. I would have said no way. That's way too much for me to handle, and neither side (my fam or my inlaws) is that big. Your downstairs looks fabulous. I'll have to come see it!

Janet said...

Great job! You are a brave woman I think you should call Kara and book the church for next year!