Most days I feel like it's all I can do to keep my head above water. I wish I had more time to write the things Stockton has been doing and figuring out but there is only so much time in the day! I do have all my Christmas done- now I just have to wrap it all. I'm really excited for Christmas this year. My boys are really into it. Stock really doesn't care but I'm just as excited to have him around for it too. He smiles all the time! Especially for his dad. Stockton LOVES his dad. He is such a daddy's boy. Whenever he hears his voice he is always looking for him and will always give his dad a big smile. Most of the time when he is awake he is really content and happy. He loves to look at toys hanging above him like his mobile or my toy that he can lay under. He is my little cuddle buddy. He HATES his car seat and so shopping is interesting. We don't get out much. He honestly eats every hour and half. No joke. And he wants like 4 oz- it's no wonder he is getting fat! He has the leg rolls and a huge belly. So cute!
My boys talk about Christmas all the time. Ty has been doing stuff lately like going in my kitchen and "making" bread. It's my bread with more flour and water and salt I think. He always wants me to try it and makes a huge mess in the process. Blake is really into throwing fits lately and I'm not sure why. He loves his brothers and is ALWAYS wanting to wrestle with Ty and Dad.
Ty the other day was picking his nose and trying to eat it when Bryan stopping him to say how gross it is. Ty told him "It tastes like chicken." I had to take him in the dr. to check his tubes since it's been about 6 months since they got put in and they did another hearing test on him. When he was done with the test he told the lady "I don't need to come back here because I can hear all that." I guess he is right!
Last Saturday two little boys were killed in a car accident near our home due to some bad driving and weather and come to find out Bryan used to play basketball with the dad on the weekend a while ago. Bryan went to the viewing of the boys and he said he was so hard to see them laying there and see the video they had done on their lives. They were doing things in the video like our boys do. Makes me hug my boys and little longer today. You just never know.
Merry christmas to everyone! I can't wait for it to come around here! It's going to be the best one ever!