Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Can you hear me??

So with some persuasion from some friends of mine I took my 4 year old to the local head start screening with the school district because I'm worried about how well he can do directions and have wondered if it's a major problem or not. So we show up and they fit us in and we are there for about a hour and half getting tested. He was really cute thought it all and did pretty good I thought. We had a vision test and then we waited for a hearing test. It was taking the kids a couple of minutes each to get though the screening. It was then our turn and we ended up in there for 20-25 minutes. I'm sure the people waiting hated us but oh well. They questioned enough if he could hear some of the tones they put this thing in his ear that sent waves to his middle ear and back and something was blocking the waves from coming back. He failed in both ears. They suggested I take him to the dr. and get him looked at. Then on he way out they came to me with the results of his other tests. He scored really high on his content knowledge- score for me. I've been working with him all year and with preschool. But his cognitive learning (problem solving) was below average so they want to retest him later in the summer. I'm thinking how do you even teach a kid how to problem solve? He usually makes a lot of decisions at him and makes choices but when to try to show him how to do a puzzle for example it can be like pulling teeth. I'm not too worried about it because heck he is FOUR. And not 5 until next year so we have a whole other year of preschool to work on some of this stuff.

The one that did worry me was his hearing stuff. I took him into a ear-nose and throat dr. yesterday and we found out he has fluid in both ears pretty bad. I had no idea. I bet it's been there for awhile because I think back to the last 6 months or so and I can remember a lot of times that I was talking to him or calling him and he seemed to not hear me and I would get frustrated with him thinking he was ignoring me. I feel really bad not for getting mad at him and putting him in time out for it and he may of not been able to hear me. We are trying some antibiotic first with a medicated nose spray trying to get his adenoids and tonsils down (they are HUGE he said) which may be causing the fluid to be there. If this works then all is well. But if it doesn't we may have to take them out. To Bryan and I we are so happy that this isn't a life long thing for him and either way we can fix it and he can hear better. We are just hoping and praying that the medicine is enough to fix it but if not we will do what we need to get him better.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Weekend in Idaho

With Bryan in school for so long we don't get away as just our family very often so we decided to go visit Bryan's brother Cory's house by Idaho Falls. It was a quick trip but well worth the drive. The boys had a blast with their kids and going to Bryan's aunt Rhea's house. Rhea's is a little boys paradise. She lives out in the country and has cows and tractors- Ty was in heaven.
Cory had shot a bear earlier that day- here it is with the boys. Before anyone freaks out about the poor bear remember that poor boy in Utah a few years back that was pulled from his tent from a bear and killed. I don't feel so bad for bears after that.
My cowboy!
We went to some sand dunes nearby and the kids had a ball. Just about everyone had to be buried at one point.

On Rhea's property there is a river so we drove down to see it. They boys were having a ball throwing rocks in the water.
that is until...
I water snake swam right up to Blake and was inches from his diaper- not the best place to get bit! Lucky for us Bryan was able to pull him away before he got bit and my nephew Spencer hurried and picked the snake up. The boys loved looking at it.
It was so beautiful there! I was scared to have him jumping on the tramp by himself without a net or anything but he did just fine. It's hard to know when kids are ready to do stuff on their own. He loved being on the tramp though.

Bryan's cousin and uncle gathered all the loose boards around their ranch and made a huge pile and let Bryan light it on fire. My hubby is a pyro. It was a HUGE fire- that is my 6'4 husband in the white to the right of the fire. It was huge.

Friday, May 14, 2010

10 in. of hair...

So I have never cut my hair short since I was about 12- and I was ready for a change. As much as I would rather have long hair I only like it when I have time to make it look nice. Since I haven't been feeling well and knowing it will continue for my pregnancy I thought I would make life easier. So far I love it! Bryan always wanted me to have long hair but he hates when it's pulled back in a pony tail-which it was almost always lately. So here's to change. I'm glad I did it.

I know my face is getting round- although Bryan and I might be the only ones that have noticed. My belly is getting big already too which I'm not that excited for. Not this early! This was taken on Mothers day.

It's stacked in the back too but you can't tell in the picture.
I hate pictures of myself.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Swing Set!

I've been wanting something for my backyard for awhile now for my kids to play on because they always make their way over to the neighbors tramp or swing set. I teach violin lessons and I've been saving up my money so I could buy them their own swing set so I've been shopping for awhile. My parents helped me out so I could get them this big new set:
I tried to have a lot of help putting it together but 4am the day my dad was coming with the set Bryan woke up throwing up. He got the nasty flu bug the rest of us had battled with for the last two weeks so he was out of commission. So it was my brother, mom, dad and I to help and my brother had to leave for a few hours still. But we got it all together!
My boys stayed out all day with us while we put it together. It took ALL day too. They were really, really excited.
The boys were carrying around little pieces of wood and rope to feel like they were helping.
My brother, dad and putting the roof on the tree house part. My boys love that about the set the most. The climb up the stairs to set in the top with their toys and trucks and play. I know, my kids are spoiled.

Monday, May 10, 2010

St. George- Last post

We met up with my moms sister Janice and her daughter Nikki and her kids on our third day in St. George. My boys love playing with her kids so it was fun they were in St. George the same time we were. We went to the St. George temple to walk around the grounds. Bryan and I went down to St. George right after we got married and I haven't been back since to it brought back some fun memories walking around the temple with my boys. The flowers were so beautiful! Then we went to a couple of parks to have the kids play. St. George has a ton of fun parks so we had a ball. Then my family went to in-and-out burger. I love that place. My boys loved their hats they gave them. Our condo and a really nice swimming pool so we spent awhile there. Blake has been really afraid of swimming pools lately so I was worried about what he would do. It took me a hour to get him into a swimming suit and I got him down in the pool. The pool was perfect for my kids because the one end started at like 6 in. and slowly went to three feet so they could stand in it easy. I let Blake take his squirt gun and that's how we got him into the pool. Thanks to my parents for another great trip. My boys are still talking about it. It especially was appreciated by me because I feel so guilty ignoring my kids when I've been so sick so the fact they got to do so many fun things and get so much attention was worth the whole trip
St. George Temple
A rare picture of me with the boys
In-and-out burger. They loved the hats. I don't know if you can tell but Blake face is priceless.
Loungin' by the pool.

My cousin and her kids with us at a park in St. George.
This was the great condo we stayed in. It was a three bedroom so Ty got his own room. I think that may have been his favorite of the whole trip!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

ZIONS-Spring break post 2

Day two in St. George we met up with my uncle and his family to go to Zion's park. I wasn't feeling well (again) so I was worried how I would do. I didn't think I was going to be able to hike much of anything but I really surprised myself. We did a little hike to the weeping rock then we did Angels landing. For those who know that hike I'm sure you thinking I was crazy to go on that last part sick and all so don't worry- I turned around once we got to the part that started with chains. I don't think I would do that part if I felt well. But it is still a really hard hike and I was shocked how well I did. I just pushed myself to do it and kept eating stuff the whole way up. Blake was in a pack the whole time and Ty either was holding on to my hand, my parents hands or on the shoulders of my dad or Uncle. Thank goodness we were there with Phil and his family because my cousins Frank helped carry Blake in the pack a lot of the way and that freed my dad up to help carry Ty. My uncle Phil also carry Ty and that was a lifesaver. After we got down we went back to town and went to this fun pirate pizza place my boys went crazy over. They love anything with guns.
A T for Ty

I'm so excited we are adding our number to three this year- my sweet boys.
I wish I could remember what they were yelling at each other- They were just being silly.

This is Walters Wiggles- it is steeper then it looks.
Most of our group. You will notice I'm in very few pictures on this trip. I hate when I look sick in pictures.
My cousin Jenna with my dad and boys.
Angels landing hike. It was beautiful the whole way up.