Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Weekend in Idaho

With Bryan in school for so long we don't get away as just our family very often so we decided to go visit Bryan's brother Cory's house by Idaho Falls. It was a quick trip but well worth the drive. The boys had a blast with their kids and going to Bryan's aunt Rhea's house. Rhea's is a little boys paradise. She lives out in the country and has cows and tractors- Ty was in heaven.
Cory had shot a bear earlier that day- here it is with the boys. Before anyone freaks out about the poor bear remember that poor boy in Utah a few years back that was pulled from his tent from a bear and killed. I don't feel so bad for bears after that.
My cowboy!
We went to some sand dunes nearby and the kids had a ball. Just about everyone had to be buried at one point.

On Rhea's property there is a river so we drove down to see it. They boys were having a ball throwing rocks in the water.
that is until...
I water snake swam right up to Blake and was inches from his diaper- not the best place to get bit! Lucky for us Bryan was able to pull him away before he got bit and my nephew Spencer hurried and picked the snake up. The boys loved looking at it.
It was so beautiful there! I was scared to have him jumping on the tramp by himself without a net or anything but he did just fine. It's hard to know when kids are ready to do stuff on their own. He loved being on the tramp though.

Bryan's cousin and uncle gathered all the loose boards around their ranch and made a huge pile and let Bryan light it on fire. My hubby is a pyro. It was a HUGE fire- that is my 6'4 husband in the white to the right of the fire. It was huge.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Looks like a fun trip, what is your husband going to school for?