Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Swing Set!

I've been wanting something for my backyard for awhile now for my kids to play on because they always make their way over to the neighbors tramp or swing set. I teach violin lessons and I've been saving up my money so I could buy them their own swing set so I've been shopping for awhile. My parents helped me out so I could get them this big new set:
I tried to have a lot of help putting it together but 4am the day my dad was coming with the set Bryan woke up throwing up. He got the nasty flu bug the rest of us had battled with for the last two weeks so he was out of commission. So it was my brother, mom, dad and I to help and my brother had to leave for a few hours still. But we got it all together!
My boys stayed out all day with us while we put it together. It took ALL day too. They were really, really excited.
The boys were carrying around little pieces of wood and rope to feel like they were helping.
My brother, dad and putting the roof on the tree house part. My boys love that about the set the most. The climb up the stairs to set in the top with their toys and trucks and play. I know, my kids are spoiled.


Camey said...

Just make sure it is secure. Clif didn't secures out down and in the crazy wind the wood split :(

Adam and Aubrey said...

I love it! It looks so fun! Your backyard is a park! Lucky little boys! Their momma loves them!

Anonymous said...

Oh fun! We might have to come play one day... ;)

Meikjn said...

wow. that is fancy. and you are lucky to have such a nice family to help out.