Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, May 14, 2010

10 in. of hair...

So I have never cut my hair short since I was about 12- and I was ready for a change. As much as I would rather have long hair I only like it when I have time to make it look nice. Since I haven't been feeling well and knowing it will continue for my pregnancy I thought I would make life easier. So far I love it! Bryan always wanted me to have long hair but he hates when it's pulled back in a pony tail-which it was almost always lately. So here's to change. I'm glad I did it.

I know my face is getting round- although Bryan and I might be the only ones that have noticed. My belly is getting big already too which I'm not that excited for. Not this early! This was taken on Mothers day.

It's stacked in the back too but you can't tell in the picture.
I hate pictures of myself.


Roxie said...

I love it you look so cute..hope you start to feel better soon!

heather and fam said...

I LOVE IT! It looks so cute! Wow that was a brave thing you did, but I'm sure it's easier to do! Love, love, love it!

Curtis and Deedra said...

It's looks cute Heather! I'm getting my hair cut on Monday but I will probably just trim a couple of inches off. I'm liking it long right now. Some days I want to chop it off though, lol. Good luck on the rest of the pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love the length!

Desiree said...

I think it looks so good on you!! We missed you at the Scout Dinner.

Camey said...

You look so cute! Who did it? Makes you look older! You should donate it to locks of love!

Camey said...

P.S. I need a picture of your belly!

Adam and Aubrey said...

I love it short! LOVE it! Is it actually easier? When I chopped mine, it was harder to do. At least for me. I think you look great! And short will be great during a hot pregnant summer!

Zac and Brit said...

Heather, it looks so good! I love it and it will be wonderful for the summer!

Kandace said...

Cute Chica! Very Cute!

Jessica said...

Soooo super cute!

Zac and Brit said...

So I know I already commented, but I was wondering who cut your hair? I am looking for someone!

Rebecca said...

Cute hair!!