Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down
Saturday, December 31, 2011
You won't believe it
We are having ANOTHER BOY! Looks like I won't be having to change the name of my blog after all. My dr. hasn't looked over the ultrasound yet but the tech said it looks normal to him so that's good. I better start saving now to pay my food bill when they are teenagers...
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Best day of the year!

Tyson had made the stocking on the right and it's a Halloween stocking (I know the kid is crazy) but santa left him some candy in that one too. The boys also made Christmas lists for Santa too.
By far the biggest gift this year was a Wii- the best part was we did it last so they were already excited about everything else they got before they opened it. Bryan has been down playing mario for 2 days until he finally beat the game. Now my boys can finally play it!! I'll admit I like playing the wii resort game my parents gave my boys for Christmas.
The aftermath!
I gave them these shirts right before we got ready for church. I knew they would be mad to open them with the rest of their Christmas presents (what little boy likes getting clothes right?). I think they look so cute all matching!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas Eve
We spent Christmas Eve with my parents. It was a relaxing day where we watched movies and let the kids play. My brother pulled out all of his old batman toys and Blake and Ty went crazy. Stockton decided he liked walking around rather then crawling and was walking everywhere. We had a nice dinner and made cookies for santa. It was a good night. We drove home after so we could be home Christmas morning.

Showing off their matching swimming suits before they get in the hot tub.
The Pack family- with two new babies coming this spring! My brother and his wife are having a girl in April.

Mr. Grinch!

Stock's PJ's. I love the paws on his bum.
Matching PJ's
I love Blake's look on this face. He must have jumped off these stairs like 30 times while we were there.

Ready for Christmas!
Temple Square
We spent part of Christmas down at my parents house in Layton (for the last time, my dad got a new job in Provo. He is the new council executive for the Provo boy scout council) so we decided to go down to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights. Out of my boys the one that was the best was Stockton - he was the only one that wasn't complaining which was odd really. There were a lot of people around but it was beautiful and good for my kids to be at Temple square. They've been there before but it's been a long time.
My dad and boys

Stockton all toasty warm =)

My family plus my cousin Stephanie- Bryan decided to show how excited he was to be in another picture.

My parents

Nate and Sierra

My family (Blake's hat is in the corner, he didn't want to be in the picture)
Blake after our family picture

Saturday, December 17, 2011
Kindergarten Christmas Program
Tyson had a Christmas program at school. He was so cute up there singing. Sorry the video is kind of a mess. I was sitting really far back and had to zoom in a lot. He was so proud of his little santa hat he made. It's crazy to me I have a kid old enough for things like this. Ty is doing really good at school. He is reading a ton of works and bringing home little books from his teacher to read. He hates doing his homework and usually is mad when he has to go to school but is always happy about it when he gets home. I really like his teacher I think she does a really good job.
Gingerbread houses
What is the Christmas season without making gingerbread houses?

After Thanksgiving I bought a gingerbread house kit and Ty told me that I'm the best mom ever and he loved be for buying it. I helped the boys make one each and even though they were tiny they loved it. I got the stomach flu REALLY BAD the next day and while Bryan was helping me clean up he threw them out. At least I got some pictures before!
Bath time!
I always put off my boys first haircut because they look so much older when their hair is cut. I was noticing I could never get Stockton's hair to look nice so I asked Bryan to cut it. I think it made him sadder then it did me. But he looks so much better! And he was perfect while we cut it. We just turned on his favorite you tube videos of twinkle twinkle, if your happy and you know it, and other songs like that. What a sweetie.
This was before:
Looks crazy right? It was always worse after a nap and while he was eating because he would rub his hands in his hair.
Christmas Tree

I am SO BEHIND! Right after Thanksgiving my computer started to freak out. With me being cheep like I am tried to fix it myself for awhile but I finally gave in and took it in to get fixed. It was supposed to take 3 days and it took a week. Ugh! But I can finally post pictures on the internet and I now have a huge hard drive for all my pictures and videos. Too bad all the money I have earned this fall from teaching violin lessons all went to my computer....
We usually go cut down Christmas trees in Idaho but with the weather this year we decided to try home depot. My father in law is working there and told us they had some nice trees. We found a beautiful 9 foot tree that had been miss marked and so instead of being like 80-90 bucks it was 30. Perfect! It is perfect and it smells SO GOOD! I have never had a tree that smells this good for this long. Sadly it is almost all the way dead a week before Christmas. It's sad really. If I would have paid full price I would have taken it back but when we got such a deal we will deal with it.
I did something different this year with the boys. I bought them a 20$ fake tree and let them pick ornaments and decorate it how ever they wanted. They LOVED IT! I'm glad I did it. It's in the basement for them to enjoy. We even stringed cranberries and Ty sat and helped me for a long time. Then I noticed Stockton was eating them off the tree ( really he was chewing them up and spitting them out) and they died and looked horrible so they just got thrown away.
Stockton loves the tree and for the most part leaves it alone. What a funny kid. I'm so excited for Christmas this year! Santa has really spoiled my boys this year.

Our tree. The boys helped me decorate it.

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