Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, December 26, 2011

Temple Square

We spent part of Christmas down at my parents house in Layton (for the last time, my dad got a new job in Provo. He is the new council executive for the Provo boy scout council) so we decided to go down to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights. Out of my boys the one that was the best was Stockton - he was the only one that wasn't complaining which was odd really. There were a lot of people around but it was beautiful and good for my kids to be at Temple square. They've been there before but it's been a long time.
My dad and boys
Stockton all toasty warm =)
We went to see the Christus statue and Ty ran up to the front (there were like 100 people up there when we were) and said "Mom, take my picture with Jesus!". So cute!

My family plus my cousin Stephanie- Bryan decided to show how excited he was to be in another picture.
My parents
Nate and Sierra
My family (Blake's hat is in the corner, he didn't want to be in the picture)
Blake after our family picture

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