Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Best day of the year!

Christmas is so much fun with kids!  I was looking around Christmas Day this year thinking next year we will have 4 kids opening presents- holy cow! Christmas is only going to get better every year. We actually had to wake the kids up this year.  I'm not sure how many more years we will get away with that.  We had church at 10:30 so I wanted them up so they could play with their toys for awhile before heading to church. They were up by 7:30 and bouncing off the walls after they woke up enough to understand that Santa had come. 
I'm not sure what I'm going to do next year if we having another boy- The only stocking pattern I have left is a angel...
Tyson had made the stocking on the right and it's a Halloween stocking (I know the kid is crazy) but santa left him some candy in that one too.  The boys also made Christmas lists for Santa too. 

 By far the biggest gift this year was a Wii- the best part was we did it last so they were already excited about everything else they got before they opened it.  Bryan has been down playing mario for 2 days until he finally beat the game.  Now my boys can finally play it!! I'll admit I like playing the wii resort game my parents gave my boys for Christmas.

The aftermath! 
I gave them these shirts right before we got ready for church.  I knew they would be mad to open them with the rest of their Christmas presents (what little boy likes getting clothes right?).  I think they look so cute all matching!


Camey said...

Looks like a lot of fun. I got Clif the Cabellas gun that goes to the Wii and they hunt with it. Brian would love it! I have played it and even like it. Something to consider for a future gift!
Do your boys play any of the games? My kids didn't get up until 9:30ish and we didn't finish until like 1 or something because we had to open each box from all 4 of them we didn't eat until 4. Next year I will cook something the night before, it was pretty hectic! ANyhow, you have such handsome boys! Can't wait to find out what you are having!

blair and maisy said...

Looks fun. An angel would work for either, I think. How exciting!

Emily + Eric said...

Okay - that's it! I'm calling you to get a stocking tutorial. They are so cute! I'm sure little baby Eric won't mind having an angel stocking, either.

The Price Family said...

LOVE the boys jammies!! They are so cute! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas!