Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Tree

I am SO BEHIND! Right after Thanksgiving my computer started to freak out. With me being cheep like I am tried to fix it myself for awhile but I finally gave in and took it in to get fixed. It was supposed to take 3 days and it took a week. Ugh! But I can finally post pictures on the internet and I now have a huge hard drive for all my pictures and videos. Too bad all the money I have earned this fall from teaching violin lessons all went to my computer....

We usually go cut down Christmas trees in Idaho but with the weather this year we decided to try home depot. My father in law is working there and told us they had some nice trees. We found a beautiful 9 foot tree that had been miss marked and so instead of being like 80-90 bucks it was 30. Perfect! It is perfect and it smells SO GOOD! I have never had a tree that smells this good for this long. Sadly it is almost all the way dead a week before Christmas. It's sad really. If I would have paid full price I would have taken it back but when we got such a deal we will deal with it.

I did something different this year with the boys. I bought them a 20$ fake tree and let them pick ornaments and decorate it how ever they wanted. They LOVED IT! I'm glad I did it. It's in the basement for them to enjoy. We even stringed cranberries and Ty sat and helped me for a long time. Then I noticed Stockton was eating them off the tree ( really he was chewing them up and spitting them out) and they died and looked horrible so they just got thrown away.

Stockton loves the tree and for the most part leaves it alone. What a funny kid. I'm so excited for Christmas this year! Santa has really spoiled my boys this year.

Our tree. The boys helped me decorate it.

One night while Bryan was at work Ty wanted to have a Christmas party. We went down around their little tree and sang songs and they told made up stories. It actually was really cute and fun.

1 comment:

Camey said...

What are the boys getting? Or what did they ask for? How did they get a bigger hard drive on to your computer? I have too many pictures on mine and need to do that. Was that part of it expensive do you know?