Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with my parents. It was a relaxing day where we watched movies and let the kids play. My brother pulled out all of his old batman toys and Blake and Ty went crazy. Stockton decided he liked walking around rather then crawling and was walking everywhere. We had a nice dinner and made cookies for santa. It was a good night. We drove home after so we could be home Christmas morning.

Showing off their matching swimming suits before they get in the hot tub.

The Pack family- with two new babies coming this spring! My brother and his wife are having a girl in April.

Mr. Grinch!

They get PJ's every Christmas eve. I know it's weird but I like them to sort of match. I love having them all alike on Christmas. Blake was really upset the present wasn't a toy though and looked like this after opening the PJ's-

Stock's PJ's. I love the paws on his bum.
Matching PJ's
I love Blake's look on this face. He must have jumped off these stairs like 30 times while we were there.
Ready for Christmas!


Camey said...

Your parents place is nice. They have a hot tub at their house as well? I love their pjs. Where did you get them? I think it is so great they all matched. I like them all to match too, but doesn't work with poor Spencer. It is so NOT fair that you are already pregnant again and looking so good while I am still working on losing my weight from the 1st pregnancy we had. You look so so pretty! I didn't know your brother and his wife are expecting too. That will be fun!

blair and maisy said...

Such cute jammies!