Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, July 30, 2012

Bryan saves the day!

We drove down to Layton last Saturday looking for a new hunting rifle for Bryan for graduation and had a crazy experience on the way  home.  We had just come out of the canyon into cache valley on the highway and saw a bunch of cars slowing down and pulling over ahead of us.  We could see a little truck off to the right on it's side and a bunch of people were running over to see if they could help.  Bryan slowly pulled over and I told him he should go help.  I'm sure by that point he had already decided to help anyway knowing  Bryan. He ran over and I pulled my camera out and starting taking a video.  I honestly was thinking about how cool it was that so many people stopped to help and see what they could to for the people inside when they didn't even know who they were. I couldn't really tell what was going on but Bryan filled me in later (he is in the yellow). There was a cop holding the door open on the vehicle and a guy that went around to the other side looking in.  The passenger was a lady who was spanish and couldn't tell them what was wrong.  She was hanging by her seatbelt because she was up in the air and looked pale as a ghost Bryan said. She pointed to her neck and Bryan asked her if she was choking but doing the choking sign.  She nodded yes and he said to the cop that I think we should get her out of there.  They must have already be thinking that because the guy coming around the other side already had a knife pulled out.  Bryan, because he is so tall and long, volunteered to hold her up while the other guy cut her out and everyone else would help pull her out once she was cut free.  After they got the top of the seat belt off she took this big breath and they cut the bottom and Bryan lifted her up enough to get everyone else to help lift her to the ground.  The got some blankets under her and put a blanket under her head then Bryan ran back to help the husband.  He was able with  just a little help to get himself out and was walking around telling everyone he was fine and thanks you.  Bryan then went and sat by the lady who was holding his hand and telling him thank you (about the only English thing she could say.) some other people ran and got her some water and tried to make her comfortable as possible.  Not long after the ambulance arrived and the husband and wife both gave Bryan a really big hug to say thanks. It really shook Bryan up! He was so worried running up to the car that there were going to be body parts or a person dead or something.  I don't know why I didn't think about that when I took the video.  My boys did obviously because you can hear Tyson say in the video "are they dead?" Oh geezs. 
When we got home I thought I would send it over to KSL (news station) to see if they were interested in talking about it on the news.  I thought it was a cool story about people getting in there to help someone they didn't know.  I was so impressed on how many people stopped to help!  It honestly brought tears to my eyes.  There are a lot more people standing along the road ready to help if needed too.  I e-mailed it to KSL and soon after I got a phone call asking about it.  So I told him what we knew and they say thank you.  I got a phone call later that night asking if they could interview Bryan but he was already at work.  That night on the news they showed my video and talked about it.  It was exciting! Then when we got home from church the next day they called again and wanted to talk to him. He honestly didn't know if he wanted to but I told him he better go and talk about how he was impressed how many people jumped in to help.  So he did and he was on the 11 pm news.  I can't find a video of that though!  They may put it on the website later and if they do I'll link it.  It was great!

Today I was reading on the news station website and people were commenting on the story.  Holy cow people are MEAN!  They were saying crap how we just wanted attention and they really attacked me! They said what was I doing taking a video instead of helping and I should have been on the phone to 911 instead of taking a video on my cell phone.  (Jokes on them, I don't even own my own cell phone! I was actually using a camera.) I have to be honest it really, really hurt my feelings that that was there perception.  The fact of the matter is I had all 4 kids in the car and wasn't about to leave a running car with a 6 year old in it or turn the car off in the 90+ degree heat to just go over and stand by all the people already helping. There was also, like I said before, a  cop already there with his car in front of us  so I knew he was getting more help there too.  Good night people, before you get mean know what your talking about!

The coolest thing about all of this is the fact that I live in a amazing place!  I would hope that if my family were in something like this we would have people stop and help and that is what touched me the most is that I know people would.  I am so grateful for kind people who don't think of themselves and jump in to help.  Including my hunk of a husband!

Story from
WELLSVILLE — Two people trapped in their car after an accident in Northern Utah Saturday are thankful to a handful of civilians that they got out unharmed.
The two victims were not only trapped inside their car, but also being strangled by their seat belts. Their only way out was with the help Bryan Palmer and his wife.
They saw a car flipped on its side on Highway 91 in Wellsville on Saturday. A man and a woman were trapped inside.
"Adrenaline kicks in and you just start running," palmer said.
While Palmer ran to help his wife started taking this video with her cell phone. A number of people were already helping the victims, but Palmer noticed one big problem. "Her seat belt was holding her back."
One of the rescuers said he had a knife. The seat belt was cut And Palmer helped pull her out. Moments later, the other victim was also rescued. Both were uninjured.
In some people's eyes, this makes Palmer a hero - but not in his own. "For me to claim I'm any type of hero is not true," he said.
But what Palmer does see is the support of his own community and their willingness to help one another. He mentioned how often he sees car accidents and never actually pulls over on the side of the road to help, so to see ten or more people working together says a lot about the community.
"This gives me a great amount of pride and confidence that if something like this happened with my family that there are always people willing to jump in and help," He said.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


We spend every 4th of July with the Palmers for the fireworks! My boys have been talking about the fireworks ALL YEAR I'm not even kidding. Every time we drive past our spot we always sit in my boys have to remind me about the fireworks.  Usually we either all go really early to save our spot or the men go and we come with the kids later.  This year the women went early with only Brett and got to sit and talk without kids running around!  Honestly my favorite part of the fireworks. =) 
 All the Palmer grandkids! Brett is number 20!  Well almost all of them- McCall was asleep and we didn't want to wake her up. THANK GOODNESS for my sis in law Heather because sometimes the family looks at me like I'm crazy when I want to get a picture like this but Heather and I share a love for pictures and she gets on my side about it.
 My mother in law got the kids glow sicks- a fireworks tradition 
 Brett doesn't know what to think about his
 A couple of us brought snaps for the kids to play with and some of my nieces have never had them before!  They are a summer staple in my house. 
Stockton's face says it all- Brett was perfect for the actual fireworks but Stockton cried and wouldn't look at them for most of the time.  He is still scared of the fireworks. You just never know how your kid is going to react to stuff!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Aquatics center

Last summer we lived at our local pool but this summer it's been too hard with Brett to take all the kids. Bryan took my older two boys swimming once then our dentist did his annual swim party there and with my mom's help we were able to go. 
 Blake is so proud of himself that he can dip his head under the water!
 Tyson is so my little fish! He loves to swim.  We start swimming lessons here in a week or so and they ask me everyday if today is the day they are going.
 Brett didn't enjoy the water but he did enjoy a nap. 
 Stockton was nervous about the water but go in anyway.  He was walking in the water with me and fell forward enough to get his face wet.  I stood him back up and acted like it was no big thing but it made me nervous.  We didn't dare let him be more then a couple feet from us at all times.  My older boys went off in the pool with our little neighbor boy Dallin and it made me nervous that I couldn't always see them. The pool is pretty shallow though and it wasn't too busy.
 It took Bryan, my mom and I to watch all these kids!  Bryan would have one, someone would try to watch Ty and Blake and the last one would be with Brett.
 Stockton went down the slide for the first time ever.  Bryan said his little heart was beating pretty fast but he didn't cry or anything.  Tyson will go down alone but Blake still likes to go down with Bryan.

I hope we can take the older boys at least one more time this summer!

4 Palmer boys

Back in like March my mom helped me find these cute outfits at Kohls for Easter so I had her get one for Brett so when he was born I could get a picture like this: 
So I LOVE photoshop!  There is really no other way to get a decent picture of all of my boys.  I still wish I knew more but after a lot of putting other faces on their face to get one where they are all looking pretty good I got one.  I can't wait to get a print of it for my  house!

While I was at my mom's house in June I knew they could help me get some pictures of my kids then my brother stopped by with my niece Kiya so she joined in the fun too!
I feel bad we didn't get a better grandkid picture then this.  

The cousins
I am SO sad that the picture of Stockton is a little blurry.  I was taking too many pictures too fast it was blurry!  But he still looks so stinking cute.  Then Kiya's picture i took out Sierra's arm with photoshop and fixed it up a little bit.

Poor little Brett was having a really bad skin day!  He still is SO cute! 


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mount Timpanogos temple

My dad got a new job as the scout executive for the national parks council (Utah county and the whole southern part of Utah) last winter and officially moved that way in June.  My boys and I went down to stay for a couple of days.  We went to my dads new scout office in Orem:
You can see the Mt. Timpanogos temple from their upstairs window- what it's a beautiful temple!

Love my boys!
My parents and my boys
It's so hard to get a good picture of the boys! I love how they are laughing though.
It was a Monday night when we went up to the temple so it was closed.  It made it easy to walk up to the doors with out people coming in and out.


I loved the flower beds!  I wished mine looked that good!
Brett was too tired to care.
I love to snuggle my baby!

Bean Museum

We went to visit my parents at their new home in Utah county and decided to head over to BYU to the Bean museum.  It is full of animals and my boys LOVED IT!  Best of all- it's free!  Pain to find parking but we managed.  I forgot my stroller though so we pulled out my old baby stroller my mom had and it worked enough for Stockton to sit in it.  
 Ty said this is the face he would pull if a tiger was about to eat him.  

 Stockton loved this place!  He kept pointing and babbling something about the animals.  I have no idea who the red head in the picture is.  You would think his mom would pay attention enough to notice her kid was not only bothering Stockton but in my picture...
 This butterfly was made up of thousands of little butterflies.  It was beautiful! We had to hold Brett like this though the whole place.  He does look really cute though. =)
 Ty wanted me to take a picture of him pretending to shot the bear- I'm glad no tree hugger saw him.
Thank goodness for my mom going with us!  The 4 kids were a lot of work and it took both of us go make it though this place!  If you are down by BYU- the kids loved it here.  Totally worth it especially because it's free.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Grandma Jenkins house!

We had a fun day with my mom and Grandma a couple of weeks ago:
 This is what Stockton looks like when he is trying to throw a croquet ball at me... yeah.  But then later on he looked like this:
 So it's hard to not just love him to pieces all the time anyway.  He is really into the tantrum faze though.  If I give him a chip instead of him being able to pull it out of the bag himself it's all over.  But then other times he will let me help him do things.  You just never know!
 My mom gained a new appreciation for me in June. She helped me a TON!  She came to visit us for a few days then a few days after that we headed for her house and she came back with us to my house. It was a much needed help for me who some days feels like I'm going crazy.
 My grandma Jenkins was trying to teach Blake how to play croquet.  He now wants his own set.  He doesn't like to play the way you are supposed to though.

 Blake pulling the Grandpa Jenkins face! We all did this face as kids. 
I love my Grandpa.  He had a stroke two weeks before Stockton was born.  Stock's middle name is Lowell after him and it broke my heart when it looked like he wasn't going to be able to see Stockton born.  It's a miracle that he is doing this well.  I'm so grateful he is still around!

 My sweet Grandma is such a big help to me.  She has helped me babysit my kids a lot over the years. When I was in college she let me do my laundry at her house and always sent me back to my apartment with a bag full of food. She has always taken such good care of me!  She is always trying to help anyone she can.  I hope I can be like her.