Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bean Museum

We went to visit my parents at their new home in Utah county and decided to head over to BYU to the Bean museum.  It is full of animals and my boys LOVED IT!  Best of all- it's free!  Pain to find parking but we managed.  I forgot my stroller though so we pulled out my old baby stroller my mom had and it worked enough for Stockton to sit in it.  
 Ty said this is the face he would pull if a tiger was about to eat him.  

 Stockton loved this place!  He kept pointing and babbling something about the animals.  I have no idea who the red head in the picture is.  You would think his mom would pay attention enough to notice her kid was not only bothering Stockton but in my picture...
 This butterfly was made up of thousands of little butterflies.  It was beautiful! We had to hold Brett like this though the whole place.  He does look really cute though. =)
 Ty wanted me to take a picture of him pretending to shot the bear- I'm glad no tree hugger saw him.
Thank goodness for my mom going with us!  The 4 kids were a lot of work and it took both of us go make it though this place!  If you are down by BYU- the kids loved it here.  Totally worth it especially because it's free.

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