Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Aquatics center

Last summer we lived at our local pool but this summer it's been too hard with Brett to take all the kids. Bryan took my older two boys swimming once then our dentist did his annual swim party there and with my mom's help we were able to go. 
 Blake is so proud of himself that he can dip his head under the water!
 Tyson is so my little fish! He loves to swim.  We start swimming lessons here in a week or so and they ask me everyday if today is the day they are going.
 Brett didn't enjoy the water but he did enjoy a nap. 
 Stockton was nervous about the water but go in anyway.  He was walking in the water with me and fell forward enough to get his face wet.  I stood him back up and acted like it was no big thing but it made me nervous.  We didn't dare let him be more then a couple feet from us at all times.  My older boys went off in the pool with our little neighbor boy Dallin and it made me nervous that I couldn't always see them. The pool is pretty shallow though and it wasn't too busy.
 It took Bryan, my mom and I to watch all these kids!  Bryan would have one, someone would try to watch Ty and Blake and the last one would be with Brett.
 Stockton went down the slide for the first time ever.  Bryan said his little heart was beating pretty fast but he didn't cry or anything.  Tyson will go down alone but Blake still likes to go down with Bryan.

I hope we can take the older boys at least one more time this summer!

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