Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, July 21, 2012

4 Palmer boys

Back in like March my mom helped me find these cute outfits at Kohls for Easter so I had her get one for Brett so when he was born I could get a picture like this: 
So I LOVE photoshop!  There is really no other way to get a decent picture of all of my boys.  I still wish I knew more but after a lot of putting other faces on their face to get one where they are all looking pretty good I got one.  I can't wait to get a print of it for my  house!

While I was at my mom's house in June I knew they could help me get some pictures of my kids then my brother stopped by with my niece Kiya so she joined in the fun too!
I feel bad we didn't get a better grandkid picture then this.  

The cousins
I am SO sad that the picture of Stockton is a little blurry.  I was taking too many pictures too fast it was blurry!  But he still looks so stinking cute.  Then Kiya's picture i took out Sierra's arm with photoshop and fixed it up a little bit.

Poor little Brett was having a really bad skin day!  He still is SO cute! 


1 comment:

Heidi said...

yes...I am a photoshop addict, too! It's wonderful! Three kiddos is crazy enough. Not sure how you manage 4!!!

I love your brothers pic. Darling!