Besides the sleep thing Brett really is a wonderful baby. He always wants to stand now. He isn't content sitting he wants to stand up on things. He is getting to my cabinets now. He waves now. He even waved at Bryan as he left for work yesterday. He loves Stocktons room with all the toys. He won't let me read books to him because he wants to grab the pages. Brett LOVES to rip and eat paper. He hates to hold still to have his diaper changes. He won't stay on his back. I have to pin him down with my legs and he still twists his hips. They all rolled away from me at that age but he takes the cake.
Brett is a MAJOR mamas boy. I can't leave him because he freaks out. He kind of does ok with Bryan but that's it. He says dada and mama and no but not a lot. He really doesn't make many noises unless he is crying for me to hold him. He likes to be outside and on the tramp. He loves his brothers. He wants to be eating whatever we are eating but usually can't because we are still worried he is allergic to milk.
Brett is a tender little guy. Loud noises upset him. He is my buddy and I love him. He has grown up so fast!! I wish I had more time to cuddle him while he is little. Pretty soon he will be throwing fits and being a stinker.

1 comment:
OH! I am sooo sorry! It's so hard dealing with no-sleeping babies! (I know my nights are about to change, too...with a new little baby and all...and I'm not looking forward to it!) I hope he's back to his old sleeping self soon:)
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