I've been dreading the first day of school for awhile because I have loved the summer. It's so nice not to have to get everyone up and going early and worry about homework and all of that. I've been really worried about Tyson this school year too and I wasn't looking forward to dealing with that. We had back to school night the night before which was good for me and the boys. I was kind of worried after meeting Tyson's teachers and seeing their classroom. I'm worried about him having two teachers this year and the one is BAND new that they JUST hired her like 2 weeks ago. After Ty and I left their room on back to school night Ty kept saying "didn't my classroom look run? My teachers were nice huh mom. I know some kids in my class mom." He was happy to start school the next day after that.
Blake's schedule is weird because he is in Kindergarten. The first day I went with him for a hour to get to know his teacher and she answered a lot of questions we had. Blake has a little class of only 17 students (a teachers dream!) and he knows 3 of the kids already. It makes and him and me feel better when we can do that together. He was mad at me ALL DAY waiting for his hour to go. We had the last hour of the school day so he was really upset about how long it was taking. He came into the kitchen smelling really good and I asked him what the smell was. He said it was Dad's smelly stuff. (cologne) I texted Bryan because I thought it was cute he wanted to look and smell his best for school. Bryan wrote back he was out of it. Come to find out he sprayed some of my tommy girl on. He was really upset when he found out. Haha. I had to write that one done because it was too cute and funny. He went for his first real day of school the next day. I have to be honest. It was really, really nice to only have my little two home. Especially when I put Brett down for a nap so it was just Stockton and I. I went to pick them up at the school and Blake was so happy when he came out. I started to talk to my cousin whose little girl is in his class and all the sudden I heard this "ping" noise. I looked at Blake and he said he threw a rock and it missed a tree he was aiming for and hit a car parked near by. This guy gets out and starts yelling. I walk up with Blake and apologize over and over and said my little boy accidentally hit your car. He kept saying stuff like "who did this? It was on purpose!" I said it was my little boy and I promise that it isn't in his nature to do stuff like that on purpose and I'm sure it was a accident. Then this other mom came to our defense and said yes he was throwing something at a tree and missed. I kept apologizing to him and said if there is any damage I would be happy to give him my information. He finally walked back into his car but just HAD to say as he was getting in to "get a hold of your kids" to me. Ok, that was it. Blake was at total fault and should never been throwing rocks around cars and I felt bad it happened. What else did he want me to say? I'm sure he never did ANYTHING like that as a kid. And I'm sure his kid in the back seat of his car NEVER has done ANYTHING like that. I was so mad. How dare he call me a bad mom. I'm mean seriously! Where the crap does he get off. It totally ruined Blake's first day of school. I hope he feels better yelling at a little mom holding a baby with two little kids next to her. It was totally humiliating. I wish I would have told him off right there. Had he not gotten into his car when he did I was totally ready to go toe to toe. I guess you could say that the mama bear in me came out. I get he was mad and I'm sure he was positive Blake was trying to hit his car but good heck the kid is 5! And why to bullies always say something as they are leaving. What a jerk. Sorry, it still makes my blood boil. There were hundreds of kids and tons of parents all over and to have a guy treat me like I was a horrible mom with no control over her kids was really low. I really couldn't have been any nicer to him. So here's hoping for a better week next week after that! I do have to say this though- at least Blake knows that I will always stand up for him.
When I was talking Blake's back to school pictures Stockton wanted to get in on the action. I have to say I have really cute kids.
I can't believe Tyson is a 2nd grader. I did some of my student teaching in a 2nd grade class and I loved that age. They get to do and learn so many fun things this year. I honestly had to take 155 pictures to get 5 or 6 decent ones of Ty. He just doesn't like looking at the camera when I take his picture. Or he does and pulls a weird face. He is a total crack up. We pulled up the school and he told me he was fun to walk in by himself but I made him let me and the little boys walk him over. (I have some cute pictures on my phone I'll have to add later.) He ran right in like it was no big thing. You worry so much as a mom about kids being nice to your baby, letting them play with them. Including them and being kind to them. I worry about him getting lost in the school and getting hurt at recess. I worry about him not getting enough to eat for lunch and EVERYTHING ELSE! 2nd grade is a lot easier for me then first though.
After I did all of the other boys I thought I better get Brett too. Oh my word I love this kid. I could just eat him up. He is growing up so fast! And BEST NEWS EVER! At his well check the other day we tested him and found out he isn't allergic to milk anymore!! I'm still nervous to give him much milk but he LOVED the frosty I gave him the other day. It's so nice to give him whatever we are eating now. I love it!
1 comment:
Crazy first day! Handsome devils.
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