Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, August 19, 2013

Loving the Summertime

I love summers in Cache Valley.  I love tinkering in my flower beds and garden.  I the kids riding their bikes and love hearing people out mowing their lawns.  Even though we haven't been doing a lot of big things this summer I feel like it's been a really fun one.  
 We had "darth Maul" come and fight my jedi's the other night.  Stockton got really into it.  I love that Bryan does stuff like that every once in awhile.
 My flower beds look a lot better now even then this.  I need to take a updated picture.  I really do love my flower beds.  I'm still trying to get Bryan to let me put a bunch more in.  I don't even mind weeding I almost hate to admit.  I don't let it get bad enough that it turns into a chore.  If my yard looks really nice and put together it gives the illusion that the inside of my house is that nice.  (which with 4 boys is for me next to impossible to keep up) One of my fav things of summer is snaps.  What a cheep fun activity for the kids to do.  They love them! Even Brett.

 24th of July Pioneer year day North Logan Parade.  We ended up being there with ALL of the cousins.  Pretty sure that will never happen again! It was really fun and VERY HOT.

 After 6 years of work we FINALLY got a little bit of raspberries from my garden.  For how many plants I have it was pathetic of many we got but enough the boys got to go pick a cup every couple of days and eat them.  I wish I had enough for Jam but oh well.
 I had some zucanni grow from last year- and they grew really weird!  But I'm the only one who will eat it so we just make boats and float them down the ditch.

 24th of July fireworks.  We always go to my in laws because we can see them from her house.

 Stockton helping daddy mow the lawn.  He is dads helping with this for sure!

 Brett walks up to the swing and scrams until I put him in and push him forever.  He is dang funny. He does this really bad with my garage freezer because he knows their are otter pops in it.
 My lack of pictures of Blake is totally due to the fact he hates getting his picture taken.  He is really proud of how he can ride the two wheeler now!  So proud of my Blake! He rides his bike all the time now.  Which made Tyson start riding his again.
 I can't tell you how much I love this picture.  He was chasing the kids in his shark costume.

My sweet baby eating a popsicle with dad.  I love little baby teeth.  

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