I had no idea how stressful something like my sons baptism would be! I mean really- why is there so much pressure to do a HUGE thing after a kid gets baptized? Why can't someone just do hot chocolate and donuts without the in laws freaking out? Anyway...
We had been gearing Ty up for awhile for this day. I knew I would be emotional and I was. I really want nothing more then to have Ty follow the teachings of the gospel and to see him take the first steps toward that really made me happy. There were two other kids (girls) that got baptized the same day but the one girl had like I kid you not like 75 people there for it ( and they decorated the gym like a super fancy reception with huge bows on each chair with a huge poster sized photo of the girl on display. Really who does that? Made my pizza and pop and the other room look like a was a horrible mom. I seriously felt so stupid) I am going to write the rest of this for Tyson-
When you got up that morning you were so excited Ty! I had to make you wait to put your white clothes on until after you ate breakfast because you were so excited. We had a little prayer meeting at the church first with parents and kids then we went in the chapel for the program. One of the girls mom gave a talk then I did the musical number. Our neighbor LeDean Knowles played the piano for me while I played "did you think to pray" on the violin. I was VERY stressed about it Tyson because I wanted it to really bring the spirit there for your special day. When I sat down your cousin Sannette called out "oh Heather I'm so proud of you!" When Sannette feels something special is about to happen like you getting baptized she gets extra happy and silly. She was for sure this day. After one more talk they let you go first. They had a seat on the front row saved for me so I could for sure see. All your little cousins and brothers got down in front so they could see too. James kept trying to peek under the glass at you. Dad baptized you and I cried. Both of your grandpa's were the witnesses. After they took all of us into a room while you and dad got dressed. While we were waiting for you our Bishop (Bishop Sanders) asked if anyone would like to sing a song. Your cousin Laycee wanted to and our neighbors Ali and Alivia Brenchley got up and sang I like to look for rainbows. Sannette got up from her seat and sang with all her heart with them too. Then our primary president Sister Carling got Sannette to help her lead everyone in singing "I'm a child of God" about the time you and dad came in.
Dad and a group of other men gave you a blessing for you to receive the holy ghost. In the circle were Dad, Grandpa Pack, Grandpa Palmer, Uncle Joe, Cory, Ron and our neighbor Cade Brenchley and Jason Seamons. Also Bishop Sanders was in the circle. I have written down some of the things that were said in the blessing but I won't write them here.
After we had pizza! (that's what you wanted) and had fun eating with our family and friends. You had a lot of people there to support you! On the Palmer said Grandma and Grandpa where there, Aunt Jenny and their whole family, Uncle Cory and his whole family, Becca, Lily, and McCall (Brad was home taking care of a very sick cousin Ava) And uncle Joe and his whole family drove up from Provo that morning so they could be there. From the Pack side Grandma and Grandpa, Grandma Jenkins (Grandpa really wanted to come but he was sick) and Great Grandma Pack was there as well. Uncle Nate really wanted to be there but Aunt Sierra was due any minute with your cousin Daxton that was born only a few days after so they didn't dare come. We had The Brenchleys family come and the Seamons family come as well to support you. Three members of the Primary Presidency and your primary teacher and the bishop were there as well. It was a full room! We could have had many more people too because there are a lot of people who love you Ty.
I wondered if I should post this picture because Ty looks weird but I like it. He was embarrassed to be in a picture with people he didn't know walking by at the same time.
A few pictures of the people that were there:
About a YEAR ago (I kid you not) was started working on this quilt for Ty. I am going to make one for every kid for the baptism. He didn't know it was his but had seen me working on it. I paid to have it quilted and my Grandma Jenkins helped me do the binding. I need to mention my Aunt Jill helped A TON on it too. She was a lifesaver! Anyway I was really, really surprised how much he liked it. He wants to sleep with it on his bed every night. I really didn't think he could care much about it but he loves it. Its HUGE! He should never grow out of it even if he is as tall as Bryan someday.
Tyson I'm so proud of you and I'm so grateful to be your mom. I am very lucky to have a wonderful little boy like you to be my son. How did I get so lucky??? I'm so proud of you for your decision to be baptized and I want you to know no matter what that I will always love you. I hope I can be a better mom to you! I love you!!