Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Today was the day-

I'll post more later but I wanted to write down a few things while they were fresh in my mind.  My little Tyson was baptized today.  It was seriously one of the best days ever as a mom.  My church is really important to me and to have my kids choose to be apart of it is a emotional experience.  Tyson really has a good heart and he wants nothing more then to make people happy.  I just want my kids to choose good things in this life.  I want them to try hard to help people and follow Jesus's example of loving others.  I hope he always remembers how he felt today and stays close to the church.  I know he will be a better man because of it.  I worry all the time about my kids having the wrong kind of friends or doing the wrong sorts of things and today just made me feel like Ty is setting a great example to his brothers.  I love you Tyson!  I hope you always make good choices!

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