Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, January 6, 2014

Santa Santa HO HO HO

Both of my boys had class programs this year.  Stockton was really funny at Tyson's. It was just his class so we were in a smaller room with not too many parents.  After they sang rudolph the red nosed reindeer and everyone clapped the room was quiet so Stockton felt he needed to continue to sing the song so he started to belt it out.  Everyone started laughing and he thought it was great. Then he would get up and dance when Ty and the class were dancing.  I was glad when they invited siblings to sing jingle bells with the group because Stockton was chopping at the bit to go up.

Blakes program was with both afternoon kindergarden classes so there were a lot more parents there.  I ended up walking around the hall with Stockton and Brett for most of it but the parts I did catch were totally adorable.

We had our annual Palmer family christmas party at  my house this year.

I adore this picture of Sannette.  She was so happy to see Santa!

Brett wasn't as big as a fan.  But Stockton was.  He ran up and hugged Santa.

The older boys were happy to get legos.

All 21 Palmer grandkids.  With my nephew going on a mission next year and a few others going off to missions and college in the next few years I'm not sure how many more of these sorts of moments we are going to have! There is always that one kid that doesn't want to be in the picture and this time (and most times) it was Stockton.

What a fun tradition- my kids loved how Santa was in OUR house!

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