Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was totally crazy and not at all how I had planned.  It started at 6:30- this was the first year the boys got us up instead of me waking them up.  I like my kids to open a gift at a time to see what else their brothers got.  It ended up being the little boys kept opening everyone elses presents when I was busy watching someone else open a present.  We got through half our Christmas in like 5 minutes.  It was totally out of control.  After the little boys finally had a few presents opened they quit doing that.  It's hard for a 6 year old to have his presents opened by his little brother- lets hope next year will be better! 

 I can't begin to tell you how fun this little train set is for Stockton.  Nothing has held his attention for so long since he found star wars.
 Brett was good at opening the other kids presents but too forever to do his own go figure.

 He was posing for me.  My only kid that will do that.
 Everything went so fast that I never got a video of Tyson opening a present- he was my old kid I missed and it was totally on accident.  Total mom FAIL!
Merry Christmas from the Palmer boys! Christmas is so much better with kids!

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