Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, January 2, 2014

My baby isn't so baby anymore

Brett is finally talking a little bit!  He wakes up saying "mommy! Mommy!" everyday and I love it. He is getting a little bit more independent and silly.    

This chair is is new fav.  He climbs in and out of it all the time.  

 While I cook Brett pulls all my pans out and "cooks" with me.  He gets pretzels and stirs them around.

 I let Brett paint with the other boys one day. He ended up eating a little and painting his face in the process.  He is also really into play doh and even kind of says play doh when he wants it.  He sort of colors but mostly eats the crayon.

 He is starting to do the "cheese"  face.  Stinking cute.

What is he doing in that chair?  He was just lounging around one day.  He is starting to play with the other kids toys a lot.  He likes to be where they are which is nice because he isnt' around my feet all day.  He loves books!  We read a lot- he loves books. He was all my boy now he really loves being with Dad.  It actually makes me a little sad but dad has more time when he is home to pay one on one attention with him I guess.  When I think about how little he was at this time last year it makes me really sad that he is growing up so dang fast.  Sometimes when he falls asleep in his high chair at lunch I sit and rock him in the rocking chair for a few minutes so I can cuddle with him.  Does anyone know how to slow down time a little bit?

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