Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, March 27, 2014


I follow a lady on instagram that takes AMAZING photographs of her kids.  She did a challenge to those who follow her site to Embrace The Camera.  We as mom's never seem to get in front of the camera for many reasons like - we are always behind the camera - we don't like how we look etc etc.  Even if our hairs a mess, we have a few extra pounds we want to get rid of, or were dressed like were ready for bed doesn't mean you shouldn't be in a picture.  Thats how my kids see me. I want my kids to remember I spent ALL my time with them because if something happened to me today my little boys would have little evidence I was in their lives.  So I took up the challenge!

 St. Patricks day
 Stock and I making a orange Julius 
 These group selfies were VERY hard to pull off with wiggly boys. 

 Reading books.  Brett loves books!
 Mamma's helper- notice his tongue sticking out?  
 Swings.  Brett likes me to swing next to him all the time. 
 A rare cuddle with my buddy. 
This is my sweet nephew Daxton.  Isn't he a doll? 

I encourage you to do this challenge for even just one week. I'm going to try harder to not be afraid to be in a picture with my kids.  

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