Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, March 7, 2014

Science Fair

For the last few years every time the science fair came at Ty's school he has asked to be apart of it.  I always pushed it off and he would feel bad.  This year when I got the paper from school saying it was coming up I knew we better do it this year.  We did it on laser light and when you can see it.  We tested different objects to see if you can see the light shining through it or not.  Some things  you could see the whole laser beam through it.  His favorite thing to do was sprinkle flour over the beam then you could see it.  Pretty cool.  =) 
Lets be honest- we all know who does a lot of the busy work.  (Me) But I did have Ty do as much as he could.  He couldn't type fast enough so he told me what to say and I tried to make it make sense.  

I was really nervous when they started to call out the awards and tried to make a big deal out of all the certificates they gave everyone.  The boys next to Ty were called up for 2nd place in the 2nd grade and when they called Ty for FIRST PLACE I wanted to cry.  He ran right up there and got his ribbon.  Ty was so excited he was jumping around. He was so happy!  I was holding back tears just because he struggles so much in school it was so good so see him succeed.

The principle giving Ty his ribbon. 

We took him to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  It was a fun day.  =) 

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