Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, March 7, 2014

I love my Portrait Lens!

I've been saving for months for a new lens for my camera and then my couches bit the dust so it all went to that.  As soon as I saved up enough for another one I hurried and bought it before I needed the money for something else! I love it! I'm still not very good at it but I'm getting better.  Here is our February in pictures:

We have finally had a few really warm days! After the snow we got at the first of February I'll take the warm temps. Brett especially has loved it.
Blake was yelling at Stockton for running into his feet. 

Bretty always has a dirty face.  I kind of give up on keeping it clean.  
Playing Hungry Hungry Hippos 

We finished the book of Mormon as a family this month.  We started last summer and just finished.  Ty and Blake would even remind us if we forgot that day to read.
It sucks to be the little brother sometimes doesn't it Brett? Stockton took the toy he wanted.

Hey ladies- would  you like to go for a ride in my cozy coupe?


                                                                                            Brett really loves his kitty.


Sandy said...

Your photos show lots of their individual personalities
You have a talent for capturing that moment.

Sandy said...
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