Why is the last day of school hard for me? Makes me sad to think my kids changing grades and Blake being a 1st grader! Ugh! All day! Part of me wants to do a little happy dance and the other part of me gets a little sad. Change is hard. It's hard to start over with new teachers when you figure out the old ones. Blake was sad when he realized his friends will not be in his class next year (they already met their next year teachers and classmates).
Ok so there is a story with this picture. Blake hates, HATES, hates pictures. He threw a full out fit right in front of the school when I said I wanted him to pose with Mrs. Searle for a picture. It's amazing he looks as normal as he does. He freaked out for the next 10 minutes after we left too. Which is weird now I think about it because...
Ty did about the same thing but for different reasons. Here is Ty today just after getting out of school:Then we got home. And I thought I would be a kick butt mom and make a banner for them to run though that says "welcome to summer!". We went to a printing store and bought the paper, came home and colored it and it took me forever to tape it up. The little boys help me color (scribble more like) to decorate it and they were proud of it. When Ty saw his poster he FLIPPED OUT! "why is it so ugly? their are scribbles all over it!" and on and on. Holy cow! I thought I was the cool mom not a bad mom! Well sometimes I feel like good cop bad cop from the lego movie. I go from being nice and sweet to horribly angry and mad. Seriously how could he get SO upset with something fun I was trying to do! So I said Stockton could run through it and then he came up to do it:
I had enough paper for Blake to do one too. He got to decorate his own so he was happy. Maybe they were both flipping out with all the changes too?? Now I think about it. At any rate they are camping with Bryan today and I am enjoying my sweet little boys that don't talk back to me... yet.
Ty and Blakes first and last days of school.