Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mothers Day

This was one of the best mothers day I have ever had.  Bryan did so much! My house was clean, kids were taken care of.  I got flowers and the curling iron I wanted.  good day!

I love my crazies that make me a mom. 

Tyson had cowboy day at school.  He was worried he would be the only one dressed up but a lot of 2nd graders were so he was ok.  I think he looks dang cute.  =)
We went up to my mother in laws for dinner on Mothers day.  On the way home Brett kept saying temple so I made Bryan stop.  Brett and and Stockton both think that Jesus will come out and see them at the temple so they get upset when we go to leave and they haven't seen him yet.  It's hard to explain to them.  I think it's really sweet though.
 I wish I were a better photographer! Here the light was PERFECT and I messed it up! It's too grainy! Maybe next time.

 I love how you can see the gate in the window.

 They all wanted to touch the temple.

For the record I tried to get a picture of Blake alone but he would not let me.  I feel bad I don't have as many pictures of him!

I'm so grateful to have my boys forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are so great. What gorgeous light! That one of the temple from the side with the light hitting it as it's setting is amazing. Beautiful job!